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Hey girl, remember back then . Back when the classes were boring and lame
I looked at your eyes and asked for ur name
You told me it was **** I really like that name
Then We started talking and it was kinda draining
U went on and started joking
But i started staring
Looking at your eyes I was like drowning
Deep inside an ocean where there is no scaping
Then i look at that black hair, it was so amazing
I felt like falling down, i felt my soul fading
Then the teacher asked me to give him my file
But i kept looking at your hair it was long as Nile
Then I looked at your face and that awesome smile
My eyes were glued on your face just like a damn tile
Those chicks were as soft as an orange
Combined with that smile they throw me in cage
Those pretty lips made me frozen like a fridge
Leaving me to think
How beautiful you look

I went to my home but that face was on ma mind
I even crushed with my door cuz i was so blind
By that pretty face that left me on a crazy ride
Just left in imagination of that hot girl i just found
Where my thoughts about her went circling back and round
It took a little while but I then figure it out
I just had a big crush with a girl just sat
Now sometimes I seat down and think like "what!"
Why do I still feel her deep inside ma heart
I guess I'm still into that beautiful sweetheart....

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