God and Us

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To all Atheist out there i got smt for u
Seat down i know something is troubling you
I think ur confused u don't know what to do
The world is messed up people are dying
Children are crying
The government lying
While rich people are shinning
Making fat bellies bribing
So u question "is God really watching?"

The world is becoming more evil Love is going away
Bowing down to our rivel Jesus is coming horrey

Let's go back to the question
Where u said God doesn't exist
Trying to deny him ur aiming to resist
Cuz everything we see is trying to insist
That God doesn't exist or hiding in the mist

But if we are the one being evil
If we are acting mad
If we we kept on sinning
And all we do is add
Then who is the one being bad?     Us or God

He made trees so we can eat them
But we carved a spear out of their stem
He gave us stones so we can make building
But moments later we invented killing
He gave us sex so we can grow in reality
But we took it too far we brought homosexuality
We are living in a vanity
Mixing all our priority
Losing our precious spirituality
I heard you say God is dead
Huh...how can he die if he hasn't existed

You see the flaws of your questions
The big undoing of your intentions
You think u control your life Making rations
But deep down u know that I'm right
the natural knowledge of God is holding u tight
You just wanna say NO why? your addicted to it
Cuz it's easy to blame God for your all fault
But Jesus died for you so that you will be saved
It's not too late to believe and on that day to be raised


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