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(( girl I envy those ao3 writers that are able to stretch a single topic into 4,000 words like they would kill it in collage or those asshole teachers that have a word limit on their essays, anyway the prompt was that gundham got detention and kaz got himself in detention so gundham wouldn't be alone, you know like a SIMP, anyways hopefully you don't hate me I wrote this at like 3am))

It was just meant to be any other day, wake up, go to school, go home, ignore my homework until it's deadline, work, and then sleep. BUT NO I just had to panic and get myself in trouble for some dollar store emo kid, and now here I am sitting next to the kid I got myself in trouble for. I feel like an idiot for letting my emotions get the best of me. I should have just skipped school today. I lay my head on the school desk hoping to sleep through detention since I didn't want to do my homework, after a few minutes of thinking my thoughts I feel asleep.

------flashback to the day before---------

''can you explain yourself young man'' kazuichi peered over the corner to see gundham, nothing to abnormal but this time he was getting scolded by the teacher. ''Well I was simply allowing my dark devas of destruction to get fresh air'' kaz hadn't noticed but the dark devas were sitting on gundhams shoulder .''That's the issue you aren't allowed to have pets on school grounds'' the teacher took out a notepad and started writing something down ''I'll be seeing you in detention for this''. Kazuichi had been having conflicting feeling for gundham for a while now, so when he saw gundham get detention he did something that even he was shocked about.

''YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE HIM DETENTION FOR NOTHING YOU STUPID BITCH'' the teacher and gundham been taken aback from the sudden outburst, kazuichi was quick to cover his mouth. The teacher shot back ''EXCUSE ME'', souda could have just ran away or apologized but some part of him knew that gundham would be in detention alone with that old witch who was a pain to be with, ''uhh yeah you heard me yOU CRABBY OLD BITCH'' the teacher gasped a bit ''Crabby old bitches are the backbone of this nation, I'll be seeing in detention''. And just like that I got handed a slip to meet in detention after school the next day in the library. The teacher walked off leaving kaz alone with a piece of paper and gundham, it was quiet for a few seconds before gudham finally said something. 

''That was very foolish of you shark mortal'' shark mortal? ''why would an underling like you speak to a higher up in such manner'', PANIC TIME. kaz just stood there thinking of what to say so it wouldn't sound creepy ''uhh I guess hiyoko rubbed off on me or somethin'...'' kaz laughed a bit but nothing funny happened '' besides she was getting on your case for no good reason''. Gundham sighed before placing his bandaged hand on kazuichis shoulder causing him to blush a bit ''while I appreciate the thought I was better off dealing with the situation on my own terms'' ''really, not even a than you, I got my ass in trouble for you.'' ''you didn't have too though''. Back an forth arguing was common between the two, it was mostly petty stuff, ibuki compared the two to a bickering married couple.

The argument didn't last long as kazuichi stormed off making the remark ''whatever man, I'm gonna get my ass handed to me when my parents find out about this'' , The breeder scoffed before walking off as well. After kazuichi was done being mad at gundham he mentally face palmed himself 'REAL SMOOTH KAZ, REAL SMOOTH' he got detention for acting out of impulse and need to impress his crush who still probably thought he hated him. Which wasn't the truth at all. Why did kazuichi had to be bad at talking to people he likes.

-----present times-----

I felt a nudge on my shoulder, was someone trying to wake me up ''Shark mortal, I would recommend waking from your slumber'' It was non other than Gundham tanaka. I open my eyes to see a mostly empty library with the only people being me, gundham, and that old hag. ''jeez how long was I out'' I tried to laugh off my feeling of embarrassment but it just made things worse ''anyways why are you here detention ended a while ago'' I asked with confusion. Gundham seemed to get caught off guard by my comment because he started covering his face with his stupid scarf  ''I simply pity your gesture from yesterdays encounter '' ''Oh so you're thanking me'' ''don't expect this regularly mortal fiend, for I gundham tanaka don't intend on showing mercy when the tanaka empire has taken over this mortal plain'' Gundham continued on about his empire or whatever meanwhile I packed my bag.

''Well it's been great talking to you or whatever but I better head home, I don't need my parents scolding me again'' gundham stopped talking after he saw me leaving '' then I shall see you tomorrow shark mortal'' ''it's friday-'' ''I KNEW THAT'' Gundham coveed his face with his scarf again this time I could see a tint of red. I laughed at his action before waving goodbye and making my way to my house, maybe gundham didn't hate me afterall.

AAAAAAHHHHHH THIS TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE SORRY FOR HAVING NO MOTIVATION,  NO WRITING TALENT OR IF THEY'RE OUT OF CHARACTER, I also hid an avenue q reference in there, if you find it I'll give you a virtual hug

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