kazuichi likes spiders

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TW for blood, angst, cutting suicide

You know what I heard about kazuichi




Icky, wriggly, hairy, ugly Spiders

when I first heard the rumor about kazuichi ,I refused to believe that someone like kazuichi could do something so repulsive. Although I had noticed and confronted him about it he just brushed it off as injuries related to his work. How could he just ignore outside help, well fine then I never cared for his mortal existence to begin with..., That's a lie, I carred a lot for his mortal existence even if it seemed like I hated his very existence.

That's why I'm not friends with him

Kazuichi has a cute singing voice 

I heard him singing my favorite love song 

Every time he sang the chorus, My heart would pound to the rhythm of the words

But he likes SPIDERS 

No way, the overlord of ice does not fine this mortal fiend CUTE. I had over heard the shark mortal singing, but it wasn't just any song. It was my favorite love song. Who knew the ultimate mechanic could sing, I sure didn't. Whenever I heard him sing the chorus my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest and my face would heat up. While he working on whatever project he thought of that day, I noticed something on his right wrist.

That's why I'm not friends with him

One time, I hurt my leg really bad

Kazuichi helped me up and took me to the nurse

I tried not to let him touch me

He likes SPIDERS so his hands are probably gross 

It was during gym when I noticed something else about kazuichi, but before I could process what was going on, I tripped and scrapped my leg against the hard rocky path. When I looked down to see the wound it was already bleeding heavily, the wound felt like it was on fire and I couldn't move without feeling a sharp pain. The shark mortal had noticed and help me off the ground and took me to the timid one. While the timid one was searching for bandages, the shark mortal was already cleaning my wound. He was touching my poison skin and he didn't die. I took this moment to actually look at the mortal, he was missing his beanie and his bright pink neon hair was tangled, I always thought he looked better with it off anyways you could see his bright pink eyes better, I started to blush a bit and pulled my scarf over my face, but I noticed something else about him, he was wearing a jacket. Wait who wears a jacket to gym.

That's why I'm not friends with him

Kazuichi has a lot of friends 

I always see him talking to people 

He probably talks about SPIDERS

What if they start to like SPIDERS too

As I was walking towards the cafeteria In one of the tables their was kazuichi surrounded by the talentless one and the ''baby gangster'' as the hungry one called him. I didn't understand why they were so concerned until I got a closer look, The shark tooth one had a nasty black eye and kept covering his arms. The shark one kept saying he got the black eye by running into a door frame, but they weren't concerned about the black eye, rather the large array of cuts down his wrist. Kazuichi got up and rushed away from the table shoving me out of the way.NO, This time I was going to go after him, instead of watching it from the sidelines.

I kept searching only to find him in the back off the school curled into a ball, crying. I decided to sit next to him ''are you okay-'' ''NO I'M NOT FUCKING OKAY'' he yelled at me ''Besides why do you care anyways, aren't you just here to make fun of me'' he shoved me away and then I did something that I wish I could do again, I hugged him. Kazuichi was about to protest my action before I cut him off ''that is quite the assumption, however that couldn't be further than the truth'' Kazuichi didn't say anything instead he just cried in my shoulder. we stayed like this before he was able to calm then I promised him something ''I promise that I will protect you from your own demons!'' I said it with such pride that the shark mortal cracked a smile. The bell was about to ring so we parted paths for the day. I made a promise to keep him safe and I intend on keeping it.

That's why I'm not friends with him

It doesn't matter if he has other hobbies

It doesn't matter if he keeps it private

It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone

I kept banging on the dorm  door waiting for an answer ''Shark mortal, I have come barring notes from todays lesson'' there was still no answer. I kept knocking, kazuichi had called in sick that day, just days after our encounter at the back of the school, the day I promised to help and protect him. I got tired of waiting and decided to open the door without his permission '' Kazuichi I'm coming in'' I gently opened the door.

It's gross

HE'S gross

That was the biggest mistake of my life, what I saw would be forever stuck in my head, an image that brought me to my knee's in a state of shock. Kazuichi holding a note lying in a pool of his own blood with his wrist slit, dead. I didn't even realize it but I had screamed alerting everyone nearby , first it was the talentless one, the it was the small angry one, then the devil dancer and soon everyone was here. They all had the same reaction varying from each person. Someone had already called the police and covered the body. People had either left the room, crying, or sitting in silence. I didn't care what their reactions we're all I could focus on was the body and how it was my fault, I made a promise and I broke it, now I can never take it back.

The world is better off without SPIDER lovers 

I hope you enjoyed my first angst chapter, I feel powerful, Don't worry the next chapter won't be angst or sad, but it will be based off of a certain button eyed movie

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