Only nerds write love letters

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I"M BACK BITCHES, Not really but I feel bad I left my Wattpad audience in the dust when I switched to ao3, so I'm leaving you guys one final update before I leave back for the cookie run fandom

also this shit is NOT beta read!!!

"You can do this..'' Kazuichi muttered in a way to hype himself up. During class, he excused himself to the bathroom rather awkwardly just so he had the window of opportunity to leave a love letter in his crush's locker. Gundham Tanaka. Kazuichi wasn't sure how he ended up in love with the emo bastard, he wasn't even sure what he was saying half the time but still, the way he called him such weirdo names, the fact he even trusted Kazuichi to watch his hamsters one time made Kazuichi feel appreciated, which was enough to send his heart into overdrive. As such, Kazuichi now stood in front of Gundham's locker, he was running out of time to slip in this letter before the teacher got suspicious but, Kazuichi was too nervous.

Kazuichi never got the whole deal with love letters, only nerds would write things like that and Kazuichi was too cool to be spending his entire night trying to find the right words and then having to rewrite the whole thing in a different handwriting style because your handwriting is so bad it would be super obvious you wrote the letter! Kazuichi realized he was spending too much time here and just decided to rip the bandaid off, dropping the letter in the locker and scurrying

 back to class.

When the dismissive bell rang Kazuichi was walking down the halls when he saw Gundham opening his locker, Kazuichi decided to peek over to see Gundham open the letter even if his sorta of stalking was obvious to everyone around him. He saw Gundham reach for the letter and read it, Kazuichi then felt his heart sink when he saw Gundham show the letter to his locker neighbor and best friend, Sonia nevermind. Kazuichi could see Sonia giggling but he was too far away to hear what they were talking about. Kazuichi just felt a sharp pain of embarrassment as he quickly grabbed his things from his locker and left for the garage, words couldn't describe how much needed to be distracted after he saw his love letter or his crush get met with laughter and confusion.


''Are you sure? The tamer of automobiles isn't exactly known for his calligraphy...'' Gundham had reread the note over and over again, it was rather sweet, sure some sections were cringy but Gundham wasn't exactly in a place to decide what was and wasn't cringeworthy, especially if the person who wrote the letter seemed to genuine. ''I'm sure of it! Even the attempt at cursive seems like something Kazuichi would write.'' Sonia giggled again, she found the whole thing rather cute in her eyes, she had to admit the letter was a nice gesture even if it was super obvious in her eyes that it was Kazuichi who wrote it. Gundham on the other hand felt more confused, Kazuichi and him were nothing but hostile to each other in their first years, so to see that the mechanic had a crush on him, even if Gundham liked him back, it felt more like a prank on him ''If you really want to know, you should confront him about it''. Gundham nearly choked on nothing, the princess did always suggest the most brassin of choices ''...I guess that makes the most sense'' Sonia gave Gundham a pleased smile before she ushered Gundham out of the school and towards the school garage to meet up with Kazuichi.

As Gundham approached the garage he could hear the loud music from Kazuichi's playlist blaring over a speaker, Gundham was well aware of the song as Kazuichi had played it for him numerous amount of times, it's why it's now one of Gundham's favorite songs as well. He peered over the corner and saw Kazuichi hard at work at a truck, the kinds you would see in those shows where the whole purpose is for them to get destroyed, Gundham admits he was starring for quite a while, it was mesmerizing for the least to watch his crush work so passionately on something. Gundham didn't realize how long we starring until Kazuichi turned his head to grab something from his toolbox and shrieked upon seeing Gundham ''Only you girl, only you my babBBAAAAHHHH FUCK GUNDHAM!!!"

Kazuichi stood up in a panic but quickly calmed down when he saw it was just Gundham, but then quickly started panicking again when he realized it was just Gundham except internally this time. ''Oh, Gundham!! Funny seeing you here...." Kazuich tried to play it cool but to anybody with eyes, it was obvious he was stressing out it was almost amusing. Gundham just held up the letter to Kazuichi 'Pardon, I didn't mean to disturb you but I got this love letter from a mysterious force and I suspect it might be your doing.'' ''Speak normally I can hardly understand ya with your whole Shakespeare talk!". That was more just a way to dodge the question than anything, Kazuichi was practically fluent in Gundham at this point in their friendship "You're avoiding the question.''

"I don't need to answer it'' Kazuichi was always a stubborn person

''Then I suppose you won't mind if I read the letter out then?" Gundham retorted, guessing by the sudden shift in expression in Kazuichi, that he was cringing so hard he might've folded in on himself, it was clear to Gundham that he at least knew something about the letter. ''...Sure go for it...'' Kazuichi called out Gundham's bluff, or at least hoping it was a bluff and that Gundhm wouldn't actually- "Dear Gundham Tanaka!!'' Kazuichi spoke too soon.

"I know you like this Shakespeare shit, so I guess this is my attempt to whoo you. I've known you for a while now and you made me realize a few things about myself, That apparently I'm a cat person, which I never would have guessed in a million years and that I like boys but that was a whole can of worms that I don't want to mention in my love letter to you. I feel appreciated when I'm around you and I sometimes hope that I can make you feel appreciated too, I don't mention it often but I really do think you're a talented guy, even if I don't get the whole Dark lord theater kid stuff. This letter stuff is some seriously nerdy shit but I'd do it if it meant it made you happy. I really do like you a lot, and it would be super cool if we can get coffee later, I bet you'd order your coffee saying some shit like 'as black as my soul' and it would be super dorky but also kind of cute. I'm struggling with what else to say I'm not super good with words.'' When Gundham looked up from the letter he smirked when he saw Kazuichi on the ground with his beanie over his face to hide its redness.

Kazuichi let out a groan and looked up at Gundham waiting for the laughter and ridicule not only for the letter but how lame of a letter it actually was, instead Gundham just chuckled and extended his hand out to pick Kazuichi up from off the ground. The two just stood in silence before Kazuichi was the first to speak again ''....That was a really bad letter, whoever wrote doesn't know what they are doing'' Kazuichi tried to deflect but Gundham just chuckled again ''I think the gesture is rather thoughtful.... but if it is not you who is my secret admire then I shall search elsewhere so I can take them up on their offer of coffee...'' Gundham teased and turned his heel faking his departure from the garage. Kazuichi saw Gundham leave and quickly chased after him ''Hey wait!!!... I mean, I didn't deny writing the letter....'' Kazuichi muttered as he started to blush again, Gundham just smiled ''Then shall we schedule when our 'date' shall be'' Kazuichi smiled again ''Yeah... I'd like that''

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