Ch. 6 Gazer - Object of Obsession

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(A/N Art is by monorus on deviant art. The Gazer is probably my favorite monster girl, so this is gonna be a much fluffier cute story, or at least I'll try to make it one. Anyway, on with the story!)

Ramona hummed quietly as she was finishing up some household chores, dusting off the bookshelf sitting in the living room while the TV played the familiar sounds of whatever game her wife was playing behind her. Her fingers brushed over the spines of some of the books as she finished dusting, and a small smile came to her face as she pulled a large photo album from between two other books. The cover was slightly faded and the spine cracked as she opened it, but the pictures were still vibrant and each one brought back a pleasant memory. The dark skinned woman sighed as she thumbed through the pages, turning to walk over towards the couch as her eyes fell on one specific picture, a smile practically forcing its way onto her face as she looked down at the two dorky kids nervously standing next to each other. Ramona chuckled softly to herself as she passed in front of the screen, her wife's tentacles shifting to keep a constant view on the game she was playing. Casually lifting up the other woman's legs, Ramona sat herself down on the couch before resting the gazer's feet in her lap. "Remember our first date Bethy?" Ramona asked, knowing Beth would blush from the simple nickname, she always tried to act so rough and tumble, like she was too cool to show affection, but then the simplest things would make her cheeks turn pink.

Just as Ramona had predicted, Beth's cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink as her main eye flicked over to look at her wife, while her various others stayed on the screen.
"Yeah I remember, I was a nervous wreck and kept screwing everything up. Honestly I still don't know how you kept your cool after I soaked your shirt with soda on accident."

Ramona laughed off Beth's comment as she angled the book for the gazer to see some of the pictures of their youth, the human slowly sliding a hand up her wife's shin as she spoke, "I kept my cool through all your mistakes because I asked you out silly. You might think you're a big lady killer, but if I recall it was you stealing glances at me while I was studying in the library, and I was the one who came over to ask you on a date. Honestly I'm surprised you actually took my offer with how embarrassed you looked."

At once Beth's cheeks turned from light pink do a deep red as her eye widened before she looked away in embarrassment, she still remembered that day like it was yesterday.


The sun streaming through the windows illuminated the endless particles of dust that made one paranoid to breathe, knowing they'd be inhaling a lung full of dead skin flakes and whatever else had coagulated to form the dust. To a certain gazer though, her attention couldn't be any less focused on such things. Beth had her nose buried so far in her textbook that it looked more like she was trying to hide her face than actually read, which wasn't all that far from the truth. While her main eye had its vision blocked by the pages, her many other eye stalks either resting on the table or angled above her head, some even closer to the floor or coiled around the leg of her chair. Regardless of positioning though, they all had one thing in common, they all were directed towards the only other person in the library, the frizzy haired, dark skinned librarian, or more accurately, the librarian's assistant. As hard as Beth may have tried, she couldn't manage to tear her eyes away from the other woman, it was like they'd formed minds of their own and refused to look anywhere else. Beth knew it was only a matter of time before the girl noticed her staring, and she was terrified of what would happen when she did. People already tended to avoid her, or talk about her behind her back, so her mind couldn't help but go to the worst case scenario of when she was caught staring.

Just as her thoughts had taken a darker turn, Beth was pulled out of her mind by the sliding of a chair against the carpet, as well as the quiet creak of someone sitting down across from her. At once the grey skinned girl's heart began to race, she knew who it was, now that she was focused again she didn't even need to lower her book to see them.

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