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I wake up to a shift in the bed, I attempt to move but am stopped by Charles arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to his chest. I rest my palm on his bare chest and attempt to slightly pull away but he reacts in his sleep and pulls me back close to him.

"hmm" he groans tightening his grip around me and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"Charles, you need to get up, I don't need a babysitter anymore" I murmur as I attempt, and successfully sit up and lean against the headboard.

"I wasn't babysitting you Francesca, I was worried about you, there is a big difference" Charles replies sleepily as he sits up next to me.

"i'm fine Charles, I promise, there is no reason to worr-"

"Francesca, you killed a man yesterday which resulted in you having a full blown mental breakdown, forgive me for being a bit concerned" Charles mutters obviously a bit annoyed

"There is nothing to worry about Charles, I promise" I reply

"Francesca, it's ok to admit that you had a moment of weakness, we're human that's how it works" Charles explains looking over at me.

"i'm a person men won't take seriously because they believe I'm a hormonal woman. I cannot afford to have moments of weakness like this. You can because people already take you seriously, nobody takes me seriously Charles and I need to prove to them I should be taken seriously" I explain as I stand up and go open my balcony doors and lean against the door frame.

"i'm not going to pretend to know your struggle Fran, because frankly I never will but just know that I do want to support you and help you as much as I can and as much as you'll let me" he explains still leaning against the headboard of my bed as he reaches for his phone.

"merde, i need to go, I'm supposed to have a meeting with Lorenzo" Charles murmurs jumping out of bed and he immediately attempts to slide back on the clothes we wore yesterday.

"i'm sorry about everything that happened yesterday, I was a bit overd-"

"never apologise for being human, especially to me, were partners in crime remember?" Charles chuckles as he buttons up his shirt before walking over to me.

"i'll text you later and check in alright?" Charles explains, I nod in reply "just take it easy today" Charles murmurs before pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

"i'll see you later Charles" I say softly with a smile before he gives me a wink and jogs out of my bedroom closing the door behind him.

I quietly walk out of my bedroom and into the kitchen to find the chefs all talking together around the kitchen island.

"Ciao Ms. Gambino, is there anything we can make for you?"

"no thank you Lily, I'm just going to make some coffee, feel free to just ignore me" I chuckle slightly as I walk over to the coffee machine and start making a cup of coffee, I pull the sleeves of Charles sweatshirt that I'm wearing further down my arms and cover my hands, I grab the mug before walking out of the glass doors attached to the kitchen and walk outside into the garden and sit down on the couch outside. I sit in a comfortable silence as I watch the guards patrolling the garden. They don't pay close attention to my glances or stares, a few give me a small smile as they walk along the patio edge to before returning to the farther parts of the grounds. shortly after I finish my coffee I return to the kitchen and quickly put my mug into the dishwasher and give the chef a small smile before leaving and my barefeet carrying little noise as I walk through the cold hallways of the compound.

I start walking back towards my bedroom to get ready but subconsciously stop myself in front of my fathers office. I hesitantly walk closer and slightly jiggle the door to see if it is unlocked, the large dark door opens with ease, I slowly step inside and examine the perfectly kept office, not a spec of dust to be seen on any shelves. Signifying the maids have been through recently. I walk over to his desk and open the drawer I had been in previously and start looking through my file again to see if I am able to find any information about my mother. I file through the folder until I find a copy of my birth certificate, this one different than the last as I see a name along the line where the mother's signature is supposed to be.

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