Specil Place

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A special place….

I don’t even know if it's real….

This place helps me think….

Helps me breath…

This place is cool…

The air is moist...

The ground is soft…

The ground is a carpet of the best color green…

The trees have dew on them…

They smell like pines…

There's a waterfall…

That’s what makes the air moist...

It’s big but makes small noises... 

It has stones around it... 

The stones are moss covered green...

It makes a cold pool at the end of the waterfall...

There's flowers...

Soft pastel blue and yellow flowers...

They smell like lavender and orange...

The sun peeks through a circle of leaves...

It's warm...

Dragonflies dance on the water...

Deers skip through the trees...

Birds sing softly in the trees...

Chipmunks chatter in the distance...

Ants march with new found goods...

Spiderwebs glisten with dew between the branches... 

This place is untouched by us...

Unseen by us...

This place has never seen the plastic filled oceans...

Never seen the unclean air...

Never had footprints in the ground...

This place has never seen guns...

Never seen fires...

This place is hidden from destruction...

Because destruction would make this place cold...




I’m glad this place is not real...

If it was, It won’t stay unstained for long and I’d have to find a new place...

A special place...

A fake place, in a perfect world, where men don’t step and destroy... 

I hope you can see it in your mind when you need it too. Shout out to Scary_Dumpling_Frick for being just absulotly amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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