🕸️ Halloween Special 👻

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halloweenie :>

  Dream's POV

"Hey George, do you wanna make ghosts, skeletons or pumpkins?"

"All of the above"

I shook my head, smiling at him before getting out all three cookie cutters and putting them to the side. I then got out the ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, butter, an egg, milk, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, light corn syrup, black and orange food colouring.

"Can you get me five bowls? I need two big and three small"

I heard him opening cupboards and the clinking of what I assumed was the bowls. I turned as he put the bowls on the side next to all of the ingredients.

"so, what do we do first?"

I leaned to the side and took one of the bigger bowls, putting it on the counter in front of me.

"We need a whisk."

As he opened the draw, I poured flour, baking powder and a little bit of salt into the bowl and then pushed it towards him.

"can you mix that while I do this other bowl?"

He sighed loudly and started to whisk the ingredients together. As he did that I turned back to where I had grouped the ingredients, and grabbed an egg, milk and vanilla extract. I poured what looked like about a tablespoon of milk into the bowl, followed by a bit of the vanilla extract. Then I broke the egg, throwing away the shells once the insides of it had dropped into the bowl. I leaned over George and grabbed a fork off of the side and began mixing the contents of my bowl. I felt a pair of soft lips touch my cheeks and I smiled, turning to face the love of my life.

"C'mon George, I need to bake these cookies, but I can't when you're being cute!"

I felt my cheeks warm up as I heard George's soft giggle. I placed my hands on his waist and kissed his lips before turning back around and returning to the mixing. I sensed his disappointment but it was kind of funny. He's absolutely useless when it comes to baking so he expects me to do it, but he also wants us to spend more time together— he's so picky, it's adorable.

George's POV

I faced away from Dream and looked down at the bowl full of powder on the counter, then back at him and then back down to the bowl. I could throw some at him.. I won't. But I could... Nah he'd be annoyed if I did that, I know that he likes everything to be perfect, plus it'd just mess up the cookies and make one hell of a mess. I looked up at Dream again, thinking about what he would do if I did throw some at him. I felt my face start to burn up and quickly went back to staring down at the dry mixture in the bowl.

"George, could you pour that into this bowl for me?"

I nodded and picked up my bowl, slightly turning to the right as I started to pour the contents of it into the bowl that was still on the counter. Dream began to slowly mix it all together. It looked all lumpy and gross.

Once nothing more would come out I put the bowl back down and just watched Dream as he mixed the contents of the bowl set in front of him.

After mixing, he shaped it into a disk and wrapped it in cling film then put it in the fridge. Dream turned to look at me as he closed the fridge door, a smile on his face.

"Now we've got an hour to kill, so do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

I nodded, returning the smile.

+~Time Skip~+

"George! stop eating the icing!"

Dream swatted my hand away and moved the bowl of icing. I reached for the bowl and he moved it further away.

"give it back!"

"No, we need it for the cookies!"

I pouted and crossed my arms, he shook his head and moved so that he was stood in front of me with his hands on my hips.

"Are you gonna help or am I decorating these all by myself?"

"I wanna eat them."

He chuckled.

"that doesn't answer my question, George."

He cupped one side of my face and made me look up at him.

"Are you gonna help or not?"

He gave me a warm smile and rubbed my cheek with his thumb, placing a soft kiss on my other cheek.

"fiiine I'll help."

He moved back, his smile widening into a toothy grin as I hopped off the counter. He passed me one of the bowls of icing, and I immediately dipped my finger into it.


I giggled as he snatched the bowl from my hands, the sweet liquid on my tongue as Dream glared at me.

"you said you were gonna help, not eat the ingredients!"

"isn't icing a topping?"

"whatever, eating the toppings isn't very helpful is it, George?"

"noooo, but I mean, you could help me finish this bit if you want?"

I grinned, holding my icing dipped finger out to him. He averted his eyes, looking down, before he made direct eye contact with me as he leaned forward, taking my finger into his mouth, licking the icing off of it as he looked down again. My eyes widened, feeling mass amounts of butterflies form in my stomach, I felt my cheeks start to heat up like an oven. Dream pulled back and looked back up at me, clearly seeing how flustered I had become.

"Awwhhhh, are you blushinggg?"

I hesitated, feeling my face heat up more.

"n- NO! shut up."

I turned away, trying to hide my face. Then I heard him laugh, and I became redder. I felt his arms snake around my waist and I looked up, feeling a pair of lips on mine.

"ah, you're so cute when you're embarrassed. Now c'mon, we need to get these done!"

I smirked, still looking up at him.

"but whyyyy?? I wanna stay like this forever.."

I reached up and held his face, pulling it down and kissing him once again, only stopping when I needed air. He gave a wide smile, sighing.

"Listen, baby, as much as I'd love to cuddle all day, we need to get these done before we go to Sapnaps house tomorrow for that post-halloween thingy."

I smiled back up at him.

"you mean the party?"

"Yeah, that."

He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, pulling away with a smile.

"C'mon, we'll finish decorating these cookies and then we can cuddle, sound good?"

I gave a small nod in response, picking up one of the piping bags and starting on making a face for one of the half-finished ghosts.

Hope y'all enjoyed :>

There'll be more stuff out eventually lol <3


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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