My Weakest Is Good For You

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He knew it couldn't last. She was a villain, and he was a hero. With charges against her, and with responsibilities tying him down, he knew it would be feeble to even attempt a stable relationship. Still, though, he wouldn't be against the idea to try.


She knew it would be difficult. They'd have to keep it a secret. They'd have to pretend they hated each other, but as long as - at the end of the day - she could come back to him and they could be together. She'd be willing to make that sacrifice.

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"Hey, Izuku." He looked down, meeting her glance with his own. "Yeah?" She looked conflicted, looking away half-heartedly. Before answering, she rolled off him and laid on her side. Supporting herself with her arm, Izuku couldn't help but blush slightly at her adorable face.

"What do we do about... us?" Her eyes still looked conflicted. Maybe it was doubt? Maybe it was hope? "I don't know." He sat up, resting his back against the bed-frame. "I just know that... I don't want to end what we have right now." He rested his hand on hers, showing his sincerity and seriousness as he stared into her eyes.

She smiled softly. "Me too." He couldn't help the relief washing over him. She felt the same. "But how do we keep together?" She sat up with him, intertwining their fingers. "It's too risky for me to keep seeing you here inside UA. And I'm guessing with how targeted your class is, the case of you moving out of the dorms is not going to work." She clenched his hand slightly.

"It isn't." He looked forward, toward his balcony. Suddenly, he remembered something. Looking back at her, he asked, "Himiko, I get it if you don't want to tell me... but, why did you come to me earlier? Why were you so sad? What happened?" 

"It's not something I really want to talk about, since it just hurts so much knowing the people you used to trust only used you." Toga looked down dejected. "Did the league betray you?" Izuku asked, letting her know he's there.

"It was a normal night mission I had been sent out on. There was a target, and I was supposed to silence her since she had helped spread awareness of children's hospitals and the pros they offered struggling families." It was a horrible mission, but she could no longer differentiate between right and wrong so she wandered in whichever direction the league pointed her in.

"When I arrived at the place, it already felt fishy to me, as the guards in the hotel she was staying at were too uncoordinated and easy to take down." Her eyes widened for a second. "B-But I didn't kill them, I-I just knocked them unconscious." She explained in her defense with a cute expression. Izuku smiled at her softly. Those were steps in the right direction.

"A-Anyway, I got to her apartment but no one was there. That's when I was attacked by Mr. Compress and Spinner." Izuku's expression soured. "Mr. Compress managed to capture some of my weapons, but in the end, I was too agile and fast for them. I escaped from the balcony and just ran."

Izuku gently caressed the side of her face. "And then you came to me?" He asked. She only nodded, feeling too ashamed and pitiful to trust her words or even look him in the eyes. She was a villain, god damn it! And a powerful one at that! She shouldn't be consoled by a hero! She should be fighting him, not loving him!

"How about..." Izuku changed the subject, pondering on his idea. "How about every weekend, I can go back to my mom's place? There, you don't have to worry about UA. We can spend the weekend together." Izuku believed he could make it work.

Himiko sniffed once, smiling at him fondly. "I'd like that." Her glassy eyes and bright smile made Izuku's heart jump just a little. "And after I graduate, I'll build up an agency and we can move into our own home." Himiko was a bit taken back by how serious he looked.

Izuku noticed her look. "Himiko, I want to stay with you. I want to make you my family. I want us to have a family." Izuku grasped both her hands in his. "Don't you think... you're maybe jumping the gun, Izu? We've only spent two nights together." She was skeptical he really wanted it, or if it was just the thrill of the moment.

"I'm certain." His look assured her enough. "I'll work even harder to become the number 1 hero. And I'll chase you to the end of the world, as long as I can be your hero." Himiko smiled even brighter at his words, barely containing happy tears in her eyes. "I'd like that." She replied.

*Knock, knock, knock* "Midoriya! Breakfast is ready!" The kind of squeaky voice of Mineta scared them a bit. "Coming!" He instinctively replied. After that, he turned back to Himiko apologetically. "It's okay, Izu. Go eat breakfast with your friends. I'll wait for you when you come back." She scooted a little away from him.

"But who knows, maybe you'll eat so quickly I won't have time to dress before you come back~" Winking just once, Izuku was down in the living room approximately 15 seconds later, tearing through his breakfast as his friends just sweatdropped beside him.

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