3• Don't screw up

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"Hey! Look at the coincidences! I think i might be the one who killed your mom!"

"What?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"What are you deaf? I said i might be the one who killed your mom considering her name was Cassandra Stone and after she married your dad obviously it became Cassandra Morgan." He said.

"How do you know her name?" I asked curious. I think i was just interested in him. I mean, no one is born bad and maybe he isn't bad and he's just going through some stuff.

"I never forget the names of my victims. Especially if they have a hot daughter." He said checking me out.

"Why don't you just kill me? I mean, you don't need anything from me, do you?"

"Well lily, can i call you lily?" He didn't wait for an answer from me and just continued talking, "great! you see, i want to kill you. Alright. I wanna drink every single drop of blood from your neck but, you just won't die. You see, yesterday, i killed you. You heart stopped beating but then i heard it beat again when i was about to bury you in the woods."

"No... That's not possible if I'm dead, I'm dead there is no waking up again." I answered him.

"Oh you keep telling yourself that." He said sarcastically.

I stood up and went for the bedroom's door.

"Where do you think you going?" He asked following me.

"Well you're putting me on house arrest, could atleast explore it." I said as i casually walked through the doors untill i got to a room with it's door closed.

I opened it and found a big king sized bed in the middle, and a bathroom connected to it, and honestly it was pretty.

"Who's room is that?" I asked stefan but suddenly a guy came out of the bathroom, he had raven hair and blue eyes and he was HOT AS HELL no.2. guessing he was related to stefan.

"That is my room. Stefan, didn't realize you brought snack." He said as he was holding his towel around his waist.

Stefan pulled me close and stepped infront of me.

"She's not your snack, brother. She's mine. You get your own snack. Oh right you can't, cause elena is going to kill you if you ever harm a human. Poor you." He said as he grabbed my arm and walked away with me.

"Listen to me, under no circumstances do you ever get near him do you understand me?" He looked serious at me and i just nodded.

"Good now go back to my room while i get you something to eat" he said walking away from me.

How the hell am i not terrified of them? I thought to myself. I want to be terrified i just can't and it's like I don't even control my fear.

*Stefan's P.O.V.*

"Good now go back to my room while i get you something to eat" i told Lillian as i left to make her some lunch.

I got down to the kitchen and started cooking her something to eat. I feel like i don't want to kill her. We're predators, we stalk, we select our prey, then we feed, we're not supposed to care.

I start humming while i continue to cook, when i remark lily walking around the house, i turn off the stove then walk to her, "What did i tell you?" I tell her mentioning earlier when i told her to wait in my room.

"To wait in your boring room."

"And what are you doing now?

"I'm wandering around" she then faked a gasp saying, "Oh my god, am i not allowed to? I'm so sorry i totally didn't mean to disrespect you or try to make you find me annoying so you can let me go!" She shouted the last word realizing that she told me an idea of trying to get away.

"Alright, I'll let it go for now. But screw up again and you'll get a punishment." I told her while thinking how good it will be for me if she messed up again. This should be fun...

"Hmm and what will this punishment be, exactly?" She wondered.

"You'll find out when you're doing it." I said with a smirk.

She looked scared for a second but then she had a weird smirk on her face.

"What's going on in that little head of yours?"

"Nothin'. Alright I'm gonna keep wandering around while you continue whatever you're doing."

I chuckled as i went back to serve her some food.

*Lillian's P.O.V.*

I keep walking around the house, hoping to die so I'll be free of that dude.

I was lost in my thoughts when i bumped into someone. It was as stefan said his brother. I apologized and was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand pulled me back.

"So, mind telling who are you and why are you here?" He asked.

"Well, your brother kidnapped me and did that weird thing and told me not to try to escape!" I said really quick.

"WHAT!? my brother would never kidnap some teenage girl! I am supposed to be the bad guy and he is supposed to be the goodie with the hero hair! STEFAN!" He shouts and walks away going to stefan. Oh shit... I wasn't supposed to go near him.

I walked through the house trying to find them. I walked for a good ten minutes. Suddenly i heard a car turn on. i looked from a window i found and saw Stefan's brother leave. No don't go. Don't leave me with this guy alone... Dickhead.

I continued walking hoping to stay away from stefan. I though he was in the kitchen so i walked to a room i found and hid inside. About five minutes later, the door was opened roughly revealing an angry stefan. Im screwed... Please I'm still young... I wanna live. I thought sarcastically to myself.

"I thought i told to stay away from damon."

"I'm so sorry, i forgot. Please, give another chance. I'll do better i promise." I begged him to forgive me but didn't seem to work. He just got angrier.

He grabbed me from my arm and walked to his room. I kept begging him to forgive me, but still didn't work. I was there when i began to cry. "Please, please forgive me. I'm so sorry!"

"No. No more chances. Now, you're going to find out that punishment."


WORD COUNT : 1100.

I don't know when I'll update so, wish me luck that the phone doesn't explode.😂😓

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