Part 2

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"Bailey! Wake up!" 

Bailey opened her eyes to see Toriel standing at her door. "You told me to wake you up at 6:30!" the goat-woman said sweetly, pointing at the clock.

"Thanks, mom!" smiled Bailey. "I'm going to Alphys' place!"

"Fun! Do you want some breakfast first?" asked Toriel. "I have pancakes and bacon!" 

Bailey crept silently past Kai's room. Sure enough, there were pancakes, bacon, and a glass of milk out for her. She sat down and started eating. After finishing, she went over and hugged Toriel. "Thanks for breakfast mom!" she said.

"Of course! Thank you for agreeing to be adopted by me!" giggled the goat. 

Bailey grinned and waved at her mother. Soon, she was out the door, ready to see Alphys.

Bailey ran across Hotland to the lab. Today, she bore a white shirt with tiny, black stripes, and light, jean, short overalls. Her hair was styled nicely in a bun, with one strand of hair hanging down. As she ran, Bailey fidgeted nervously with the strand of hair. The thought that her best friends might kill a sweet, innocent boy was too much. She wanted to protect Kai, and maybe knock some sense into Undyne. She approached the door and knocked.

"Come in!" said the distinct squeak of Alphys.

Bailey walked in. "Good, it's just you. Undyne isn't here, right?" she asked.

Alphys shook her head. "No... why?"

Bailey looked around and lowered her voice. "She wants to kill the new human, and take his soul."

Alphys' eyes widened. "C-Can we help him? The h-human, I mean."

Bailey nodded. "That's why I came! I want to make him something. Like- a weapon."

"A-A weapon's not going to work alone. It has to be special, mechanical, j-just in case..." Alphys trailed off. Bailey knew what her next words were going to be. Just in case a ghost tries to attack him. The only ghosts down here were her and Napstablook, and Bailey hated either of them being accused. Bailey raised her eyebrows allegedly. "S-sorry! I-I didn't mean t-to, I-I just mean to- to always be safe." cut in Alphys.

Bailey relaxed. "It's fine." Suddenly she had an idea. She reached in the pocket of her overalls and pulled out a tiny sketchbook. "Al! Give me a pencil!" 

Alphys ran out of the room and brought back in a tiny number-two pencil.

Bailey leaned over the sketchbook and started drawing the greatest invention of her life.

Creame sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He walked over to the mirror and styled his-- well, Kai's-- hair. He had almost forgotten that he was still in his brother's body. It was weird, he felt like he was with Kai again. He was jolted out of his thoughts by the opening of a door. 

"Kai!" shouted the distinct voice of Bailey. "Come into the kitchen!" Creame navigated through the house and saw Bailey standing in the kitchen, a smile on her face. She handed him what looked like a glass orb. It had a nozzle on the front and a button on the back. "Alphys and I invented this for you! It's more powerful than it looks. If you press the button, you can faint anybody-- and when you do it on ghosts, it turns them solid for a short period of time!" Creame felt like laughing out loud and doing a happy dance. The girl was making this so easy! His problem with the ghosts was gone! 

"Can you tell me anything else?" he asked.

Bailey smiled. "If you want to unfaint the person, just break the glass. Easy!"

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