Part 3

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"Thank you for watching beauties and gentlebeauties! See you next time on... THE METTATON SHOW!" Mettaton smiled as the camera stopped. He loved his job. He gave a small wave to the live audience, which was a few of his biggest fans. 

"Great show Metta!" said a voice. He whipped around to be face to face with his cousin, Napstablook. 

"Thanks, darling!" he said. Soon, the whole audience had left-- except for one woman. He didn't recognize her at first. She had on a large, black hat and a heavy coat. He made his way over to her.

"Hello!" he said, his booming British accent filling the now-empty theater. "I don't believe I've seen you here at the live show before!"

The woman laughed. "I didn't come for the show." She took off the hat, and bright red hair spilled out. Mettaton could clearly see who it was now, with her blue skin and everlasting smirk.

"Oh. Undyne," said Mettaton. "Why are you here?" 

"I came to talk to you, idiot," she said. "You really think I'd be here to see your weird show?"

Mettaton rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" he asked flatly. 

Undyne settled back in her chair. "Papyrus is friends with the human." she sighed. "We should have known this would happen! He's so nice!"

Mettaton nodded. "What do you suppose we do?" he asked, his voice lowered.

"We make a team."

"Really? Us? Why?"

"I don't like it either," said Undyne. "Seriously-- I'd rather be on a team with anybody in the underground."

Mettaton groaned. "If it means getting out of here-- fine."

"Good." Undyne started to walk out of the theater.


Undyne turned around, eyebrows raised. 

"Why were you wearing that disguise?" he asked.

Undyne laughed. "I didn't want to be seen in your show!"

Mettaton glared at her. Undyne grinned, and after a mock-salute to Mettaton, left.

Twirling a strand of hair, Bailey ran across waterfall. She was dressed in a black shawl-like sweater, a light pink, shoulderless top, and light blue jean shorts. Her hair was again styled in the bun with a piece of hair hanging down, except the hair was on the other side. She raced to Napstablook's house, throwing the door open. "Sup Blooky!" she said cheerfully. In her hand, she held a tiny bracelet.

The ghost gave her a smile. "Hi, Bailey! More invention jewelry?" 

Bailey nodded. "Yep! I've been making inventions all day!" 

"How your book going?"

Bailey grinned. Ever since she had learned how to build she had started keeping track of all her inventions with detailed instructions. 

"Great!" She sighed and looked at Napstablook. "I've been thinking-- since Sans disappeared, I don't know who to trust. Can you maybe not tell anyone about it?"

Napstablook nodded. "Be back." He gestured to a chair and left the room, presumably to get his music.

She sat down in the chair, lounging back. This felt like her home away from home. This and the lab. Just as Bailey was about to get some food, there was a knock on the door. 

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