ʚїɞ │Bad Idea Two

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Song: 8Teen

By: Khalid

Dedicated to: Maria, who told me never to give up even if the chapter isn't sitting well with you. You are the reason this chapter was even edited, revised thousands of times, and made into something better. Thank you, bby. Te amo.

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Yelling. Curse words. Things breaking.

The Reyes household is officially starting up the day with a bang.

Fucking great.

I was brushing my teeth when suddenly I heard Papa start to throw things around. He does this every time and ends up going to the store later to restore whatever he decided wasn't good enough to be in the house.

And mama lets him.

Needless to say, Papa is a drunk, and mama found him passed out on the couch again.

He knows every year he has to drop off Reuben and Angelina at school for the first day, but every single year he gets too drunk off his ass to even wake up. As for mama, she's always late for work and comes home already yelling from the driveway.

It's a miracle none of the neighbors hear what goes on in this house.

I'm sure if Malia ever heard the things my parents say to each other she'd never let me hear the end of it. The endless torture of teasing me about having parents who are not in love with each other anymore but stay together for the kids.

That's not exactly something I want anyone to know, especially Malia.

Easton is the only person who truly knows what goes down in the Reyes household. He's been here so many times to know and see what happens.

Why do you think we mostly hang out at the park or someplace that's neither of our houses?

Easton's parents are also toxic, but at least his parents don't speak to each other. My parents believe they need to have the last word to win.

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