Frost Byte

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The cold crisp air chills Xavier's bones as he walks across the corn field. Crunching of cornstalks under his feet ring out through the onyx night. He wraps his dark cloak tighter around himself and he pushes through the still erect cornstalks.



His oblong pointy nails rip through his cloak as he grips it tighter. He pulls the cloak around him more causing the ruby encrusted clasp to apply pressure on his throat.

The wind rustles through his long dark hair. The ribbon tying his hair back loosens and slides down his hair, before falling to the ground behind him. It snags on a split cornstalk root. His hair blows in the wind then slowly falls against his back.

His eyes change from lavender to blood red. He walks around in a circle surrounded by tall cornstalks. He stares up at the sky noticing the full shining globe above his head. A single snowflake falls onto his forehead.

He drops to his knees and winces, the edge of his cloak snags on the heels of his boots. Attempting to stand back up, Xavier partially rips his cloak edge. He falls forward and his face connects with the ground.

He screams out, as his fangs grow to full length. It's been a fortnight since he last feasted on human blood. His fangs throb against his gums and tongue.

He closes his eyes and sits up, crossing his legs. He sniffs into the air. The scents of vanilla and blood mix with the sweet-smelling corn. He runs his tongue over his fang and bottom lip. Two drops of his own blood flows down his chin. He brings two fingers up to his chin, slowly wiping the blood off. He opens his eyes and looks down at them to view small white flakes fall onto his blood covered fingertips.

He gasps before looking back up at the sky as snow falls down around him, a few flakes landing on his face. He hisses, as more snow falls around him. He falls to the ground. Blood flows from his nose and his eyes close.

At morning break a farmer walks through the cornfield. Fallen snow crunches below his feet, as he slowly makes his way to the center of his own field.

In the center, he approaches a huge pile of snow. He gets closer and starts swiping the snow away, exposing the bluish-purple face of Xavier.

He scoops up Xavier and carries him out of the cornfield. An extreme coldness escapes the tattered clothing and cloak of Xavier, causing the farmer to drop him. He rubs his hands over his frozen forearms before he picks him back up.

While the freezing increases in his arms, the farmer rushes to the barn laying him down on a bale of hay. Xavier's eyes lids fly open exposing white eyes while the farmer walks over toward a wall by the entrance and grabs a plaid thermal blanket.

Xavier's head turns toward the entrance as the farmer turns around. His gaze falls upon the white eyes and he drops the blanket. 

This is my week one assignment for my AVS (Art of Visual Storytelling) class. Hope you all enjoy it.

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