Frost Byte: Introducing Darkness

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SLAM! The farmer turns around to face the dual barn doors. A cold chill cools his core, as he falls backwards. He screams out as he is pulled across the floor.

"Stop. Please. Don't hurt me," he says, as he feels sharp objects jab into the side of his neck.

Xavier sinks his fangs deeper in his neck as he stares at the door. His focus stays on the door.

In front of him appears a semi glowing woman in white. Her auburn hair flows over her shoulders down to her waist. A single flower around her waist protrudes through her hair.

"Don't kill him, my child," she says, as she steps toward him.

His eyes roll back as she gets closer to him. The warm blood flows down his throat. His fangs retract and he drops the farmer to the ground.

"Let him suffer."

She places her hand on Xavier's shoulder causing him to look up at her. A menacing smile appears on her face, as her fingers move up to his hair. She runs her fingers through his hair.

"I need to feed more, Mother Nature," he says, as their eyes connect.

"Not on him."

She grips near the tips of his hair causing his eyes to shift focus to her neck.

He stands up and moves his head closer to hers. An evil smirk appears on his face. His nose slips into the crevice of her neck and he sharply inhales. Her scent makes him shudder slightly and his fangs grow again.

"I'm off limits."

He growls as he wills himself not to sink his fangs into her neck. He turns away from her and walks away.

"There has to be someone out in the world that isn't off limits to me," he says as he opens the barn door. He steps out of the barn. Her scent mixed with the scent of the farmers blood follows him. The snow is gone.

As he walks across the yard, her presence follows him. Her dainty footsteps move across the ground. Her glow illuminates Xavier and the area around them.

He leaves the farm and heads toward town. The lights and passing cars illuminate the intertwining buildings. Xavier makes his way through traffic as he looks for his next victim. Mother nature moves along with him.

They pass a bar and the stench of alcohol tickle their nostrils. Xavier covers his nose as he gags some. The alcohol scent covers Mother nature's scent.

As they pass an alleyway, the scent of blood hits his nose. His head darts toward the area.

"You know what to do," Mother Nature says, as they enter the alleyway.

They make their way down the alley before they approach a woman slowly bleeding out.

"Help me," she says, as she looks up at them.

"This won't take long," he says kneeling beside her.

She screams out as he sinks his fangs into her neck. Her blood slowly flows down his throat as she wraths in his arm.

Five minutes later, her body stills.

A/N: This is my week 2 assignment for my AVS (Art of Visual Storytelling) class. Hope you all enjoy it.   

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