The Cell

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One thing was for sure, the outside lied about the true size of the Cell. According to Howard; it reached down to the bottom of the Arctic. They descend, deep down on a huge, high ceiling elevator. Kain watches each floor pass by, and decides to ask, "Okay, how many Rogue's are housed here?"

"Five hundred and sixty-two. The most notable ones are Hacker, Cosmos, Pluto, Sunray, Rust, Geist, and Titan." Howard stares out the complete glass elevator, "We have special rooms prepared for the Shades, and the agents of the Corporation. In total, this lock up can hold up to ten thousand." He adds.

The elevator comes to a halt with a hiss. With a crack, the doors split open, and Samuel leads the way, "We didn't ask you to come here though to brag about our space. We recently made a few adjustments, that we think you might be interested in."

Intrigued, his head on a swivel, taking in his surroundings with great interest, Warren asks, "Then why did you ask us here?"

Reaching a set of heavy metal doors that go from the floor up to the ceiling, with a handprint pad to the right of the metal gates. Howard places his hand on the pad, and after a few seconds a voice grants him access, recognizing Howard. With a loud clank, the doors roll inside the frame, and the two CEO's walk ahead into a pitch-dark room. "To show you cells that can hold demons, and Archdemons." Howard's voice disembodied from the dark room.

Fingers snapping echo through the room, and lights burn to life. The four boys walk inside, and stare in awe at the massive, empty cells, "Yo, I think my house could fit inside that one." Thom points at a large cell on the left side of the room, and laughs.

"The varying sizes of demons is quite annoying." Samuel ruffles his hair, and sighs, "But we made it work, and made one for as many as we could. Yes, demons do burn away upon death. But on the off chance that you can weaken a demon, and knock it unconscious, we have aircrafts built to transport them."

Slowly, Raphael turns on the balls of his feet to face Samuel. For some reason, it reminds Kain of a ballerina on a music box, like the one that his father gave to Elaine for her tenth birthday to help her sleep at night. Raphael was in disbelief at this man's calm composure when talking about demons, "It's not that easy to knock out demons Mr. Harper. Killing them, now that's easy."

Samuel looks as if he was going to be sick from the mild comments. He thought Samuel might pass out if he ever saw blood. He pulls at his tie around his neck, tugging it so he could breathe better, he sighs, "I understand that Raphael. Remember, I said on the off chance. I'd like nothing more than to see each of them sent back to Hell than try to house them here."

Howard shakes his head, his expression visibly disagreeing with his partner, "I don't know about that Sam. I mean, the chance to see one up close and personal, how magnificent would that be? Maybe even dissect one, preferably a weaker one."

"You should talk to Michael, and I mean the sixteen-year-old, not the angel. His powers are Angelic based, so those cells for regular Chosen, might not work on him." Kain says as he stands in one of the grey bland cells.

"We already know," Kain turns his head, and then his whole body to look at Samuel as he was speaking, "We had his mother, Maria, help us test out these cells and the 'regular' cells. And in fact, you're right. The cells that are built for Chosen don't hinder Maria's and most likely, Michael's powers." He stretches his arms, spins around in a circle, and stops to look at Kain again, "But these cells do, and yet, Maria and Michael are not really angels."

He glides his hand up the structure of the cell and Warren says, not bothering to give them his attention, "Yeah we knew that. They're just Chosen blessed by God with Angelic like powers and wings."

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