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This story takes place in an alternate universe, where small changes make the greatest differences.


In a land of miss, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom lies on the shoulder of a young man. His name... Merlin.


"The King has returned, ready the knights!"

Three horses came gently trotting into the castle's courtyard, and knights in glistening chain were rushing to greet them. Both Arthur and Merlin had been missing for several days, and yet here they both were, alive and well. There was another member with them - a young man with raven, curled locks.

Merlin looked at their new companion with judging eyes - he had seen a vision of Arthur being gravely injured, and their companion was near the site, but he could not yet be certain of their involvement. He was sceptical to say the least of the young man.

A young maid looked around her as the knights rushed past. Her name was Feigraine Hyacinth, a simple serving girl to the knights of the round table. She looked out of the delicately patterned windows, and realised the source of the fuss. She hastened to take the sheets in her slightly aching arms to the washroom, before heading towards the courtyard where the knights were gathered. There was the King, his servant, and another individual. A crowd was already gathering around them.

The crowd watched in awe as their King returned. All three members of the party looked exhausted, and Fei knew she'd need her energy for the event's aftermath. She was a personal maid to the knights of the round table, but she was often needed elsewhere. She was distracted from her thoughts by the King's confident voice.

"I've got to speak to the council about our findings. Merlin, take Mordred to a guest room. He needs rest."

The young maid could see the exhaustion on her fellow servant's face. Whilst she didn't know Merlin that well, she heard about him from the knights, and had shared polite conversation with him many times before. It didn't take a genius, however, to see how tired he was. She grit her teeth, and stepped forward, bowing before she addressed the King.

"Your highness, you all look exhausted. At the very least, I humbly ask to take over your manservant's task."

The King looked thoughtful for a moment, and Fei clenched her fists. She knew the King's kind heart, but still felt very out of place to have spoken out of turn. The foreign companion stepped in, knowing all too well the weariness that settled upon Merlin.

"It has been a tough few days, my lord."

Arthur sighed, before nodding his head. He only wished he could have the luxury of relaxation, but he very rarely got a break as the King. He had come to terms with that long ago.

"Alright. It has been quite the ordeal. You two can take the day off."

Merlin felt pleased, whilst also feeling bad for his equally tired friend. The feeling of exhaustion did not just affect them physically - all three of the party felt it emotionally. It had been a very tough few days. The King set off for the council chambers, and Merlin to Gauis'. Fei bowed towards the stranger, bidding him to follow her. She decided to make polite conversation, a talent she had found to be useful over the years.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name? Only I haven't seen you around before."

He looked uncomfortable as he searched for an answer that didn't make him look criminal. He decided to be vague. He still wasn't sure of what he was allowed to reveal of himself.

"I... come from somewhere else. My name is Mordred. And yours?"

"My name is Feigraine, though I tend to go by Fei. I serve the knights of the round table, although if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Mordred was surprised - it was strange to have someone willingly serve him, not from fear or manipulation, but out of kindness. He had seen many faces contorted in fear. When he spoke, there was sincerity in his tone.

"Thank you."

She bowed to him, before gesturing to a door. She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she stuck to the customary welcome to the room. It was one of the first things she was taught as a maid.

"This is the guest chambers. If you require assistance, ask any servants, or I can help to the best of my abilities if you require it."

There was a clear change in tone from the young lady - this wasn't the natural friendly one from earlier. This was a worker. Then Mordred realised something - he looked a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed. Fei wondered if she had said something to offend him. She felt a pit in her stomach when she thought of it.

"Thank you, but there is one thing I need assistance with."


Her voice was unnaturally high pitched through the strain of worry, and she felt even more embarrassed now. She looked to the side, trying not to maintain eye contact. She suddenly was more aware of her surroundings.

"I... didn't come here with any clothes."

She sighed - it was something so trivial, so easily fixed. She couldn't help but wonder what lead to this circumstance, but helped him regardless. She had to suppress laughter as to not seem rude - she had stressed so much for nothing. She realised Mordred's concerned gaze, and quickly was brought back to attention.

"I-I'm sorry about that. I wasn't laughing at you, I just thought I'd said something out of line."

Mordred smirked, half entertained and half embarassedly. It felt nice, however, to see a natural smile back on Fei's face, not the unnaturally clean slate that showed him the room.

"It's alright."

She made eye contact with him, and he noticed a vibrancy in her eyes. They were slightly creased due to the innocent smile painted onto her lips. He knew he'd get along with this lady just fine.

"I'll send for the seamstress."


The throne room was full, and at the front was their royal highnesses, and Mordred in the Camelot armour. He wore the ceremonial cape, which delicately spilt onto the floor as he crouched down. His soft-spoken vows to protect the kingdom were heard by all, resonating within them. There was a united cheer as Arthur spoke out.

"I dub you Sir Mordred, knight of Camelot."

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