XV. HCs & Notes [Part 3]

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[headcanons and notes(part 3)]

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~ Azathoth enjoys what he does quite a lot and does an amazing job at it. Creating new dimensions, new species, new deities, making various entities go mad, causing absolute chaos, killing off worlds, and making sure the gates of every evil containment realm stays closed.

~ Despite what rumors say, Azathoth does not possess Omniscience. Yes, he does know a lot about various things, but he isn't all-knowing. He does, however, have nigh-Omnipresence, limited only by dimensions and/or realms of light/the divine.

~ It is rumored that Azathoth was the one to corrupt Lucifer and caused him to fall from grace. It has not been officially confirmed, though.

~ Azathoth and God are always at war with one another, and probably always will be for all eternity; the endless battle between light and darkness.

~ Azathoth is susceptible to the Eldritch Slayer power, however, the being in question would only be able to severely injure him and cause him to retreat. Actually slaying him is an impossibility.

~ Azathoth's worst enemy is the cosmic entity known as Nodens, who is responsible for corrupting many Great Old Ones to his side using trickery and lies.

~ Azathoth is both the Primordial Void and the Supreme Being, which means he can create anything and destroy anything. He is, without a doubt, the most powerful entity to ever exist in all of the Omniverse.

~ Azathoth has the power of Eldritch Conversion, which means he can turn any living organism into an eldritch abomination using various means.

~ Azathoth is also know as the "Father of the Dark Arts," because he is the one who created most of the dark magic we know of today.

~ Azathoth has the rare power of Omni-Communication, which means he can communicate with anything and everything, including people, plants, animals, insects, microbes, the dead, non-living/inorganic matter, inanimate objects, machines, nature, abstract/conceptual forces, etc.

~ It was once thought that Hastur and Inok had the strongest Almighty Minds in existence, but after Azathoth whooped their asses using his own psychic powers, it was then revealed that /he/ in fact had the most powerful Almighty Mind in existence.

~ Azathoth is a master of reality warping, allowing him to manipulate something as tangible as physics and the universe, to something inconceivable like logic.

~ Compared to all other beings of creation, Azathoth seems to reign supreme in that area.

~ Out of all of his powers, the one Azathoth seems to use the most is Omni-Corruption. This means, he can induce corruption in anything/everything, including natural forces, abstract/conceptual properties, people with pure hearts and souls, users of Purification, even things that are by their definitions are immune to or shouldn't even be able to be corrupted (such as the air or wind) would be affected, and etc. Due to the nature of the corruption/corruptive influence, all attempts at trying to purify the target would either fail or lead to an eternal stalemate.

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