Ghost x Reader

577 11 8

Requested by: starshadow27
I have no motivation to do anything so this may not be good at all.
Y/B/T - Your bug type
Y/N - Your name
And just for the sake of the story, ghost has a voice but its rather quiet and really echo-y

Ghost dashed through the crossroads, effortlessly evading projectiles aimed at him. He went off to get some stuff and was just now heading back to his shelter. Buuuut the crossroads said fuck you.

Eventually (jeez all these E words), he made it to Greenpath. It was still overrun by infected, but less chaotic and still holding its natural serenity. Since it was safer here, Ghost slowed down to walk and enjoy the scenery.

After Hallownests imminent downfall, it's lost most of its glory. Though, few places such as the City of Tears were still as beautiful as ever. Almost like such an area doesn't belong in the ruins of the fallen kingdom. (I used to ruuulle the world)

Ghost looked around a bit a stopped at some vines decorated with fragile pale flowers. He carefully pushed them aside and walked through into a secluded room. In the corner, there was a small lake (that quirrel cant drown in :) ). There was a whispering root nearby glowing with the essence of dreams, already dream-nailed.

In another corner was a small makeshift bed made out of moss and soft flower petals. Upon it laid a Y/B/T. Thing is, we're all lazy and love sleeping, so Y/N has been there ever since Ghost went to grab stuff. He went over to them and sat down.

Ghost shook Y/N after a few minutes telling them to get up. "Nahhh." They responded and turned over.

"Just get out of bed it's not that hard." Ghost crossed his arms, nudging Y/N.

Y/N snuggled further into the moss bed and mumbled, "no I'm hibernating." Because who wouldn't do that?

Ghost stood up, placing his hands on his hips. "It's not THAT cold. Also you aren't an animal." Shhhhhh.

Throwing their hands up in the air, Y/N yelled, "I CAN BE WHAT I WANNA BE."

"Just get out of bed Y/N."


Ghost sighed. "Fine." Y/N stayed still for a moment before looking up. He never gives up that easi-

The vessel picked you up bridal style and rand over to the lake before dropping you in.

You resurfaced, glaring at Ghost. He just crossed his arms and said, "that's whatcha get."

Im not creative
This is the best i got

Heres a spirit laying- not sleeping- on the job

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Heres a spirit laying- not sleeping- on the job.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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