Strange Things

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— as if this place isn't already strange —

So, this place is undoubtedly a weird one. Crazy stuff happens all the time. But there are a few things that are unusual, even for this place. This I where I document them. A lot of these will involve golden animatronics, Aftons, Henry, or Ennard.

The Unseen Being(s?)
One thing that I see on occasion is Springtrap talking to someone. This wouldn't be strange if it weren't for the fact that he is clearly addressing someone or something that is not  a part of his body. It's not just him, either. RWQ does it a lot, but that might be his psychosis. Sometimes even Cassidy stares off like he's watch something. It's creepy.
— well shit. Y'all have been found out. —

The Phone Guy
I don't even know what his name was. He was just Phone Guy to everyone. And he's dead. Like, dead enough that I could probably go and grab you the suit his body is in. Or was. We aren't sure what happened to the body, but the weird thing is... he still makes calls. Not prerecorded, like actual real time response phone calls. You can call him on the phones in the offices. He seems to enjoy conversation, but if you bring up the fact that he should definitely be dead, he just... goes quite, tells you to have a nice day, then hangs up. Henry and Springtrap know something about that. They can even call him directly from their phones (I don't know how, but the number only works on the office phones, front desk phones, and Henry and William's) and I intend to find out where that Phone Guy is.

The Two Figures
Occasionally, in your peripheral vision, you see strange things. Posters change, shadows move on their own, etc. that's all normal. What isn't normal is the two figures I see. Ennard knows about the Orange one, so does Henry, but they won't tell, and Springtrap would only say one thing about the purple figure:
"That's Vincent. Don't interact with him. Ever."
So that's odd.

Organs Disappearing
For some reason, the human residents here, like Vanny, Henry, the new guys Matt and Tony, will occasionally go to the doctor for a checkup and, upon Xrays, learn that one or more organs are just gone. I don't know where they are going, but I'm suspicious of Funtime Freddy, although he isn't precise enough for that kind of work. _Nessie97_ was already rendered infertile by uterus removal, so I hope to God we find the guy soon, before someone's penis gets removed or something.

— my secret is safe —

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