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just as they were near the exit......................kion as at the backmost. Rani and fuli are in the frontmost[ i don't know what I wrote but you got it right?]

just then a black panther came down, 

Black panther[ looking at rani]: such beauty has never come to the marsh before[ flirty ]

[to fuli] I would be  happy if you could stay here forever

Fuli: seriously?

kion got aggressive and came from behind

kion: what do you think you are doing?

Panther: so you're the lover. this cheetah has been heart broken by you and you're mate with this beauty

Kion: stay in your limits!!!

Fuli: calm down

Black panther: name is vurugu what I adore,I get. and my heart is stuck on these beauties so I will get them. we will have a marshindano. you win you may proceed. you lose just let them to me.

Kion: looked at rani.[she shook her her head indicting no]। he then looked at fuli [she shook her her head indicting no]. ok I am ready.

they had a marshindano.

vurugu[ b. panther] climed the tree kion did the same he [ vurugu] jumped on to the opposite tree when kion jumped, he leaped and landed on the marsh above kion.with his paw he rubbed  kion's mane, rubbing his head against mud.  he came to rani. and LICKED  her cheek side

vurugu[b.panther]Welcome, my queen

Kion got even more angry from this act. he came and and gave a good fight to him. it went for a little time. oh well, fuli's limb is still broken. and finally he said

Vurugu: ok no use. he climbed the tree. i will take revenge from this cheetah and lioness.they all proceeded to get out of the marsh., 

vurugu met tim[ tiger] on the tree,

Tim: I see that anger of revenge in your eyes. would like to join me and adui [coyote] for revenge from that guard?

Vurugu: yesss whey not, 

they all [lion guard] are going relieved but big danger is behind  them

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