Chapter 4 (The walkers)

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The game just flew by it seemed we won go figure with Bobby as quarter back it is no wonder we won. After the game Bobby came up and asked me how he did as he always had before. I told him the same as always he was fantastic. He smiled and kissed me then drove me back home though I didn't really need him to this time since I could see again. When I got home I thanked his mom and told her the same thing I told Bobby that the Gibson twins had given me red contacts. She was happy to hear of my eye sight returning and turned to walk out. After Bobby and his mom left I felt that I still had one other intruder still lurking in my home. Sure enough from behind me I hear his voice.

"So how was it? Did anyone reject you like your mother did to me?" My father asked but it seemed more like an insult then a real question.

"What have you done to me?" I sneered at him. I was at the point to which my words were soft but I could almost see them cut him like knives.

"I did nothing to you. You were chosen you should be honored after all you are our Queen you know." My father said with a bow.

"Don't patronize me. Just tell me what the hell I need to do to get my eyes normal again like yours are!" I was done with all of this lying and mixing up his words and meanings.

"I will spell it out plain and simple to you. Your eyes will never be normal again. You are not like me you have been chosen as our queen. Now I am supposed to bring you back to the city." My dad said all like a knight on some noble quest.

This was the point were I just felt that I had to give up. "Fine take me were you need to. I just don't care anymore. All I ask is that I can still try to live my life like normal get contacts or something."

"As you wish my queen. God! I am gonna  love having a queen for a daughter!" My father said knightly the sounding like a happy 5 year old.

"What ever, I think this is just stupid and crazy but lets go before Bobby comes." I said just wanting to get some answers.

We walked in silence for a while and then my father stopped abruptly in front of me almost causing me to run into him. He looked almost as if he was sniffing the air, then he started walking again till we came to a clearing. All I could see was what looked to be a mansion and a lot of tiny huts surrounding it. I looked around and saw a few people, some just stared at me while others were bowing. My father noticed but just kept walking with his head held high. I had to almost jog to keep up with him till he stopped. I looked up and saw we were in front of the mansion.

"Here you go my queen." My father said while bowing like some duke or something.

"What are you doing?" I said looking at him and then at the mansion.

"This is your house."

"WHAT! You and I both know that I will never be home without Lisa ..." Just then I heard a babies cry and instantly knew that it was none other than my baby sister. "What are they doing to her?"

"I brought her here I knew you would say that so I thought I would dodge that bullet and get your attention for a few more minuets."

"Well fine you win now take me to see her. I need to make sure she is fine." I was so worried and just wanted to know she was safe.

My father explained how unlike the rest of them I was free to go into any house invited or not and that my eyes would never be normal again. He also explained how I was the new queen due to my age and letting my father in I was chosen. He also said that from now on if I wanted to live my normal life I would have to wear contacts and come back here at night. He told me how bad the people here wanted a queen and how I was like their savior.

"This is just to much I need time to think." Almost as soon as I said it all the other walkers beside my father left.

"I will leave you to your thoughts. We did grab you some contacts that matched your normal eyes but before I hand them over and go to my room you must agree to live here now." My father said hold out a pair of sky blue contacts.

"Fine I guess I will stay here." I said while looking at Lisa as she slept quietly.

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