Chapter 8 (The betray)

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"So where have you been?" Bobby said with a tint of hatred and disdain.

"I went to go see my dad. He wanted to see Lisa for a little while." I said as I walked over to a chair that was placed so it faced the couch that Bobby was now sitting on.

"Oh ok, so you did go into the walkers camp then." This hit me like a brick wall.

"How did you know about the camp?" I foolishly asked.

"Do you not remember that I was dragged into that camp as a child? No. Of course you don't remember that seeing as your now one of them right?"

"Bobby its not like that. I promised I would explain everything....."

"Then explain!" Bobby yelled as he interrupted me.

"Why are you treating me like this? Why are you so mad about something I can't control? Do you think I asked to be their queen?" I cried and instantly regretted telling him I was now their queen.

"Their WHAT!?" He had so much rage in him that he shot right up off the couch. "Your ... their... QUEEN? How fantastic your highness. Now if you don't mind I'll  take this opportunity to take my leave and I would like to say its been swell being with you and falling in love with you. As for dating a queen of killers I am unworthy. I take this moment to say we are done! Don't worry about talking to me or explaining anything. You have said ENOUGH!" With those harsh words Johnny stomped out of my house and slammed the door behind him.

It was all I could do to just sit there in tears and not go after him. There was nothing I could do. Nothing I could say to change his mind. He was right to be mad. The walkers after all kidnapped him as a child about the age of 5 till he was 9 and they raised him but never let him see his family. He barley remembers his dad, one memory however sticks out in his mind very well and that is the memory of his father coming to rescue him by becoming a walker and once he was found out, he was killed on the spot. Bobby witnessed his fathers body falling to the ground with a huge bullet hole through his heart. I brought back all that pain. I was now those killers queen. I didn't even know myself if there was anything I could do to fix what they did. I had no idea how to run anything especially not a whole group of people, a village if you will. Now because of that one stupid night after my sweet 16 party I had lost the love of my life and I had lost my old life. My head was swimming with everything that had happened in this one day. I had fought with my mother, I lost my boyfriend, and I had gained my father back. I felt horrible for thinking this way but I wished I had never found my father and wished I still had Johnny. Right after that thought m heart broke again. I loved my father and had hated him for leaving us.

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