Chapter THR33

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She ran to her locker and jetted off to her first class,maths. As Miss Long walked in (btw , Nia Long is the maths teacher) to class and cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention "class we have a new student,Leon tell us about yourself.", Kyndall recognized him the boy that she bumped into. Leon cleared his throat an spoke up "hey my name is Leon Burns,I love dancing and playing video games and yeah that's all about me I guess",...and he chuckles. "Okay Mr Burns you may take a seat next to Kyndall, Kyndall May you raise your hand?",Miss Long asked, I raised my hand and Leon walked towards the seat next to mine. "Hey there", he whispered I gave him a tight smile and waved. The bell went off and she was off to her next class,history.🙄I saw Leon in the hallway in my way to my locker and he approached me, he didn't say anything he was just staring at me, grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat it was cute at first but then it got creepy so I turned to him...                                         KYNDALL'S POV                                    "Is there something on my face or your just extremely creepy",I said raising an eyebrow, he chuckled and cleared his throat and said, "nah ,I just think you beautiful ", causing me to look down and blush, corny but cute. I looked up and said, "thank you", "no need to thank me just facts g",he retorted, "so I was wondering if I could sit next to you during break and lunch,I mean since I barely know anyone here.", he said sounding nervous with his hand on the back of his neck, "sure, no problem.", I replied simply, "cool, so I guess I'll see you at break", he confirmed, "cool",I retorted back. And with that he walked away to whatever class he had next, "shit",realizing how late I was for history, got my stuff and jolted off to class. "Late again Miss Harris", Mr Fox murmured, but loud enough for the class to here, heard a couple of snickers coming from the back of the class room I quickly walked to my seat and placed my books and pencil case on my desk as the lesson started as usual I could hear Miles, Michael, Marsai and Klondike gossiping about me 🙄. Of course I ignored them, but I couldn't help but feel hurt, oh well.              ..                                                   .............................................                       BREAK TIME                                               ..............................................                         I walked to the cafeteria to get something edible but they call all of it 'food' my only to bump into Leon...again, "my bad", "nah it's okay, you good. Shall we?",he said, "we shall", giving him toothy smile as he smiled back ,damn he's hot and that smile tho. "Thank you, you have an amazing smile by the way", causing heat on both cheeks and looked down at her tray of 'food' , "Did I say that out loud", she chuckled embarrassingly, "yeah you did, but look it's cool", he sighed and scratched his eyebrow with his pinky finger, noticed that he did that when he was nervous, he took a deep breath and said, " look I know we barely know each other but I like you, as in like you like you, and I totally understand if feel like I'm moving way too fast but I'm not the type to deny my feelings for you and I was wondering maybe if I could take you out tomorrow night so I can really get to know you", I didn't know what to feel, excited or confused cause at this point I was both but so I  just said fuck it, "I'd love to go out with Leon", with the biggest grin on my face, he breathed out as if he was relieved or had been holding his breath, "okay so I'll pick you up from your house, but I'll need your number for that, so if you don't mind sharing your contact with me, I mean if you don't feel comfortable then I totally understand, I could stalk you but I think that's just too much work, plus I don't really go out like that but I mean it's a first time for everything" as he rambled but it was the cutest thing ever lol, I just snatched his phone , luckily he didn't have a passcode so I just typed my number into his phone and saved it as KYNDALL 😍 he just stopped and thanked me, we trotted off to our seats and the day went by smoothly.                                                     ............................................                              ...........................................            
My pen tapped against my text book as I was trying to figure this maths out it was literally the the last question so I just guessed it and left it, I got hungry but it wasn't exactly hunger it was more of a craving or so, so I thought if just going to the store but the stores were closed at this time since it six o clock going on seven so she decided to go to the nearest convenience store by the gas station and she saw....

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