Chapter 3

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There it is." Rebekah announced, blue eyes skimming across the old dusty page slowly a grin forming on her glossy lips, "Isobel Gilbert's marriage to Markus Flemming, and the house becoming her nephews, she sold it two weeks before the Gilbert's massacre."

Caroline looked up from her phone, her blue eyes clouding with tears that she hurriedly blinked away, "Good. Now that that's settled can we leave? I'm on break from college so I don't have to be in some stuffy room surrounded by books." Caroline scowled; she could care less if Elena had been telling the truth about her heritage. She was doing her job, so what did it matter?

"Don't be so whiny." Rebekah muttered, closing the book and sliding it back on the shelf. The pair had managed to slip Elena that morning, though they both knew it wouldn't be for long. Caroline nodded and stood up eagerly; sliding her phone into her back pocket and following Rebekah out of Town Hall, "tell Tyler I said thanks, by the way."

Caroline nodded her head, locking the door with the key Tyler had given her, sliding it into her pocket before skipping down the stairs with Rebekah, stopping short when she spotted Elena standing at the curb beside a motorcycle.

She looked angry, her brown eyes narrowed and her lips in a thin line as she glared up at Damon with her arms crossed tightly against her chest, the wind blowing her red and white patterned dress around her knees failed to make her look less terrifying, if anything it made her more terrifying.

Damon was mocking her stance, looking down at her like she was a petulant child but he was slightly nervous and kept a space between them while his blue eyes narrowed down at her as they argued in hushed tones, she watched his jaw tick in anger while Elena's nostrils flared. They looked like they could kill each other at any second.

Caroline grabbed her arm and tugged her silently away from the scene and over to her car, sliding into the driver's seat and pulling slowly away from the curb, they both caught a glimpse of Elena suddenly punching Damon hard across the face, knocking him down before she turned, got on the motorcycle and sped off in the other direction, nearly running over Damon in the process.

He caught up with the blondes at the mall, following them leisurely from shop to shop, and standing outside stores watching them buy and browse. Rebekah found it more annoying to have Damon around than she did Elena, at least the girl blended in, but Damon drew attention everywhere he went, and Rebekah noticed everyone noticing him.

After paying for her latest purchase she stormed out of Forever 21 and stopped in front of him, waiting for Caroline to finish before going to Victoria Secret, "why are you following us? Where's Elena?" she hissed.

"I don't know. I'm certainly not her keeper." Damon replied with a sarcastic bite to his voice, "She asked me to watch you two, so here I am." He forced a smile on his face that was as sarcastic as his words.

Rebekah had never liked Damon, he was too dry and sarcastic, and down right rude most of the time, talking to her like she was a piece of meat instead of a person, "I'd rather Stefan be watching me."

"You and me both." Damon jeered the smile fall off his face, "Blondie lets go." He called over Rebekah's head. Caroline pointedly ignored him and continued to chat with the cashier for another five minutes before sauntering out of the store with her bags.

"You look too serious. Hold this, you'll look more like a reluctant boyfriend than some creepy attractive stalker." She shoved her bags into his chest, which he took with a silent glare, and dragged Rebekah behind her off to Victoria Secret. Rebekah browsed through things, her eyes constantly flickering to Damon who was standing outside, leaning against a pillar with their bags, one foot on the pillar while his eyes focused on his phone.

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