Chapter 4

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Rebekah got lost a lot. Not physically, but mentally. Her mind would just get sucked up and wrapped into a story or a thought so tight the rest of the world was gone, body functions were ignored, and hunger was pushed out of her mind. She was in one of those places now, furiously scribbling in her story journal. So when Elena slammed the door closed extremely hard, shaking a few of the pictures on the wall, she about jumped out of her skin, dropping her notebook and the tucked in pages onto the floor.

She pressed her hand against her heart while Elena crouched between their beds to pick up the notebook and papers, twisting and setting them on the foot of Rebekah's bed without even a glance at them before lifting one foot and removing her shoe and then lifting the other and removing that shoe, setting them beside the night stand between their bed and peeling off her jacket before she sat down on her bed.

"Where have you been?" Rebekah growled angrily, snatching her journal off the end of her bed.

"Investigating. I figured you wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, the way you were wrapped up in your diary." Elena shrugged, kicking her legs up onto the bed and stretching out, pulling her phone out of her pocket and staring at it intently.

"It's not a diary." Rebekah defended.

"Okay." Elena replied, glancing over at her briefly, "your journal then. It makes no difference you were distracted, anyways, Caroline is coming up with a compelling story to get us to go with her to that stupid Cupid frat party, it's not even February, whats the point of a Cupid party in August?"

"I hate those parties." Rebekah groaned, "Stefan broke up with me at one." She bit her lip after realizing what she said and glanced at Elena.

"He's always had a knack for ending things at just the wrong time." Elena observed, not taking her eyes off of her phone, "whether we go or not is up to you. I personally don't care for parties."

"Do you care for anything?" Rebekah replied.

Elena rolled her head to the side casually with a sarcastic smirk, "my face between girls' thighs." Rebekah's cheeks burned as she tried to refrain from gaping at the girl across from her who burst into a fit of laughter at the sight of the blondes face, the most carefree she'd been in private since they met, Rebekah was shocked at both the statement and how much emotion the usually stoic girl was showing

The pair was so involved in their little banter that they missed the door opening. "What's going on in here?" Caroline asked, hovering by the door with Tyler. Elena's laughter was gone and the stony look was back as she focused on her phone.

"N-Nothing." Rebekah hissed ducking her head to hide her burning cheeks clearing her throat before glancing up at Caroline, "I heard there's a party Friday." she quickly diverted the subject.

"Yeah, I know you don't like parties..." Caroline started, her voice edging on whining.

"No, it sounds like fun." Rebekah replied enthusiastically, "I'm sure Elena loves college parties." Elena rolled her eyes, crossing her legs at the ankles, but still stayed focused on her phone.

"Well we can discuss the party later, you're about to be late for psych." Eyes widening to saucers Rebekah shot out of bed, scrambling to grab all of her books and running out of the room, Elena following her at a casual pace, eyes glued to her phone, but she still managed to keep up with Rebekah and not run into anybody. They made it to class just in time, Elena settling into a seat next to Rebekah, taking out a pen and notebook.

Rebekah couldn't remember much of that psych lesson, something about a prison experiment. Instead she could remember the intense focus Elena had on her notebook and the ease at which she snapped her attention back to the lesson and answered a question without hesitation, "power corrupts. The feeling of control over someone's life is sometimes euphoric. God like."

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