Chapter 1- Happy Thoughts

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Wendy's Pov-

I've never liked babysitting, especially since my twin brother Michael gets half of the 10 dollars and my other brother John is super-active and crazy, but my parents needed the night out so i suck it up and watched them. My brother is 16, he's my twin but I'm older by 5 minutes, and John is 13 but he acts like he's 4, in fact he still has a stuffed teddy bear that he's obsessed with.

"Alright Wendy, we will be back in exactly 4 hours, if you need ANYTHING, and i mean anything AT ALL then call us okay hunny?" My moms a bit overprotective, but i don't mind. its kind of nice since my dad doesn't care about us at all.

"got it mom, go have fun" i waved her off.

"okay.... see you you" she said between motions. she picked up her jacket, slipped on her shoes, and pulled on a hat.

"love you" i said as she walked out.

outside the car was started and dad was waiting impatiently. i shut the door and climbed up the stairs, time to prepare for a way boring night. i pulled on my favorite blue footie jammies and popped some popcorn. While the popcorn popped i weaved my chocolate brown hair into a tight french braid. i grabbed the popcorn and slipped onto our ugly blue couch. Once i found an okayish movie about a man turning into an angel i began to relax. two hours later the movie finished so i went back upstairs and climbed onto my bed.

"Wendy?" i jumped and faced the direction of the offending sound "yes?" it was to dark to see so i blindly groped for the light switch.

i finally found it and switched it on. Michael was standing in front of me wearing some kind of leather jacket and jeans.

"what are you wearing? and where do you think your going? mom left me in charge, no leaving the house." i stomped my foot to prove my point.

"Wendy, I'm going to Amelia's party. You can come to if you want. you'd finally become semi-popular." i gawked at him

"are you seriously suggesting that i just leave John here alone! and i don't CARE about popularity!" a lie. but whatever, he doesn't need to know that.

"Johns 13 and capable of dealing with his own issues, like staying home alone." whatever, Michael could be SO annoying sometimes.

"go get dressed in pajamas Michael, its bed time" he glared at me, but obeyed nonetheless. John came barreling upstairs and crawled into bed.

"tuck me in! and sing me a song!" Michael snickered and i frowned at him, then i sat on Johns bed and began to sing

"If you carry all the wooorld, on your tin-y sho-ulders. Soon you willll sure-ly breeeaaak, un-a-ble to flyyy. Flyyy bi-r-dy flyyyy higgghhh, touch the wounderous skyyy. Don't you fret - spread your wings - up up in the skyyy. flly birdy, fly high, up. up. in theee. skyyy."

she tucked him in and kissed his cheek, then she flipped the lights and crawled into her bunk-bed. Michael climbed to the top and soon the room was filled with light breathing and soft snores, after a bit i fell into a deep sleep.

Patrisha's Pov-

        As i flew i heard a soft sound, a sweet ringing of bells, a light tweet of birds. i flew closer to the sound to investigate, finding myself facing a tiny brown house on the corner of a dead end road. i flew up to the window, Behind me Oberon protested, his voice twinkling in the night. Its a good thing i know how to speak fairy, otherwise his voice would only be bells to me.

"Oberon its fine, I'm just taking a peak" i wave him away. i slowly lifted myself enough to see through the dark window. inside two boys and one girl were sleeping. They looked so peaceful, but then one slowly rose up. it was the boy. He quickly rushed to the closet and a few seconds later he reappeared in a leather jacket and blue jeans.

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