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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Race: Flugel
Gender: Futa

(You have Deoblo's ring, cape, and staff on)

Personality: strate forword, sharped touge, sadistic, curious, perverted, cocky
Likes: books, collecting heads, flying, girls, video games, cats, dogs, rabbits, fighting, being superior
Dislikes: people telling her she's weak, Racist, walking, lossing his heads

Backstory: (Y/N) (L/N) a Flugel that was on the council of twelve wings, unlike the other Flugels she was born with Boulth genders as an experiment during the great war but after the war was over she didn't do much until she found out about the war beast technology and so she lived there playing Cross Revelry, but what awaits for her in the new world and what will happen when she figured out she can fight again.

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