Arcanine Part 2

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I smiled as my house came back into view, my arcanine happily jumping about the entrance. I had just returned from a pokemon search in a nearby area, which had taken me a few days. Of course, I had payed someone to look after them, but I also knew that Max wouldn't like being apart for that long. To be honest neither did I. I had attached to the little growlithe quite quickly, and that wasn't changed after he evolved into an arcanine. We were as close as pokemon and human could be. As soon as I entered, Max pounced, jumping up onto me as I ruffled his fur affectionately. "Hey Max! I missed you too boy, don't worry!" We just spent some time playing with each other, enjoying our reunion until the person taking care of them, a close friend of mine, walked over to us. "Oh, your back! Max here's been waiting for you at the entrance, every day. It was a challenge just getting him to eat!" "Hah, thanks for the help man, I couldn't find anyone else willing to look after these guys."

After paying my friend for his help, me and Max went to my bedroom so I could feed him. But as I sat down to pet him as he ate, I remembered something in my pocket. A clear gemstone the size of my clenched fist, given to me by the pokemon scientist in the area I was searching. He called it a reward for my progress in collecting pokemon. "When you find a fully evolved pokemon you have bonded with, use that crystal to transform them into a... somewhat, more human version of themselves." I was brought back to reality by Max nuzzling into my hand, which now held the crystal. "Do you know what this does, boy?" He looked up at me, and nodded. For a moment I just stared at the gem. Then, I held it against Max's head. It began to glow white, slowly growing in intensity until I could no longer keep my eyes open. When the light faded and I opened my eyes, Max was sitting in front of me,  with a human body covered in orange and black fur, and awkwardly covering his crotch with his hands. Blushing a bit, I removed my hand from Max's head and grabbed some clothes for him. Turning around to give him some privacy, I made a mental note to buy some new clothes for him. After he finished getting on his clothes, Max tapped me on the shoulder, forcing me to notice that he was almost a head taller than me. "I still feel hungry, Y/N, and the dog food doesn't look tasty anymore. Is there anything else I can eat?" His awkward smile gave away how unsure he was, but I just found it cute to be honest. "Nice idea Max. I'll see what we have."

Bizarrely, he liked vegetables the most, so I made some food I'd be willing to eat that I thought he would like. We chatted as we ate, a rather weird experience considering just a few minutes earlier he was a dog. But I enjoyed it, and he seemed to enjoy it too. It was odd, but I was reminded of when I first captured him. Nervous, though this time about his transformation rather than his captor, but overall affectionate. Surprisingly, the conversation managed to steer towards video games, and we both agreed to try out a game together. While I was setting up, I remembered how Max would sit down beside me and watch. How did such a drastic change, change almost nothing?

It turned out Max was horrible at video games. Apparently, watching someone play a video game does not teach you how to play it. It was still fun, but there were moments where it honestly hurt to watch. Max ambling around at a walking speed while I was performing advanced parkour moves with ease. Hopefully, I can put up with this until he gets better at it. Max's banter was pretty funny though, occasionally poking fun at our skill gap, commenting on the ridiculousness of game mechanics I had taken for granted, and sometimes just delivering insults to the poor video game baddies we were slaying. It was a lot of fun, which made the hardships easier to endure, a fact that Max seemed to agree with. God, it feels great to enjoy a good game with someone else, even if they are crap at it.

A few hours later... (Cause you try to find a way for a few hours of gaming to seem interesting in a story)

"Ready to turn in for the night, Max?" I stretched out as Max compared his newly acquired loot to his current loadout, stifling a yawn as I did so. "Yeah... Actually, where will I be sleeping?" My face fell. There was one bed for humans here, and that was mine. "Ummm... you can sleep in my bed for now. I'll sleep on the coach." Max cocked his head to the side, confused. "Why? You could just slee-" His eyes widened, realizing the... implications of us sleeping together in the same bed. "Uhhh... It's fine, I can sleep on the couch." Just as I opened my mouth to tell him no, I realized the logic I was going to use, "Your a guest, you shouldn't have to sleep on the couch," wouldn't really work here. I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit. There was only one way for us to both be comfortable tonight, wasn't there?

"*Sigh* It's fine if you sleep in my bed with me, Max. You, um, already sort of did that before, didn't you?" His eyes widened and the insides of his ears seemed redder, but he meekly nodded. "I'm going to go shower, I'll let you know when I'm done if you want to use it yourself." "Uh, yeah. I will." Well, now everything is super awkward.

2 showers later... (No shower scenes for you, perves)

Luckily, the awkwardness between us only lasted a little while after we got into the bed together. Turns out that Max likes to cuddle. I let out a little chuckle, fondly remembering the times where he would rub against me like an oversized cat so I would pet him. Hugging him back, I nuzzled into his white neck fur, fluffier and softer than the rest of his fur, and heard a murr from the humanoid fire dog. It was a very nice feeling, cuddled up to Maxs furry body while petting his head...

Yeah, I think we're real close now, closer than any other trainer has ever been with a pokemon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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