[1] Girls Girls Girls

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Ethan's pov (age 15)

I just like boys. Why do they hate that. It's just a fucking boy. But they will kill me if I tell them. Why do I exist? It's not like being gay is normal. Right? Around me is Oliver the Bear, my ukulele, a huge pile of clothes, some blankets, school books and my laptop. I open discord to find messages from my internet friends

Annie Ethan is on!
Kitty Hey bitch!
Ethan Hey Kit
Annie lol!
Kitty Whatcha doing rascal?
Ethan being sad and going on discord you?
Annie Deep
Kitty Insightful
Ethan Shut up! You peices of crap! Lol my impression of Ann
Annie Shut up! You peices of crap!
Kitty It's 11 I'm going to bed
Ethan okay I'mma go to sleep too
Kitty night!
Annie goodnight
Ethan Night hoes

I lied. I can't sleep. I never seem to be able to. I'll be awake. Boys are so cute. Fuck. No girls girls girls. You like girls

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