[6] Bread

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Ethan's pov

I wake up in Mark's Jacket. I'm never taking it off. FUCK IT'S 9AM! I'm gonna be late! No time to double check I run out the door jump into my pants. "Where you going racecar?" "Mark? What are you still here for?" "It's Saturday." Oh. "Nevermind" "Want a peanu- Want a jelly sandwich?" Would he miss me if I died? "Just bread is okay!" I say chuckling.

Mark's pov

I throw the bread on a plate and hand it to Ethan "Just this?" "I'm that not hungry." He puts a corner of the bread in his mouth and hugs me. "Owies scratch scratch!" "Sorry baby forgot I had this thing!" He looks like he's distanced. Not here. "Baby?" "Yeah?" "You okay?" He takes another bite and nods his head. "Fucking bread"

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