✧ before you read

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Hello! Welcome to Shattered, and thank you for reading. At the time I'm writing this note, it's currently just past midnight on January 14th, 2021—also known as the ten year anniversary of Ninjago. If you'd have told me back in 2011 that a cartoon about Lego ninjas would shape my life so drastically, I would've laughed. But here we are in 2021, and after ten years of growing up alongside the show, I'm still a proud fan, baby!

Being a proud Ninjago fan inspired me to write this fanfic years ago. I've been planning it since 2015 or 2016, and after a long while of hesitation, I figured the day of its anniversary would be as good a time as any to finally publish it. So...here we are!

With that being said, these are just a few things I wanted to make clear before you continue to the story:

✧ There may be minor curse words and occasional jokes about mature themes (the Ninja are teens, after all)! That being said, I don't plan on anything major, although I will put a disclaimer if that changes!

✧ Keep in mind that in this story, the characters will appear as humans. Also they actually age here lol

✧ This should go without saying, but while Ninjago and its canon characters don't belong to me, the plot and original characters of this story do! Stealing, plagiarizing, or re-posting my work is strictly prohibited, and all violators will be muted ;)

That's all! Thanks again for reading, and I truly hope you'll enjoy!

-Pix <3

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