Searching others...

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Purab can't believe his own ears...he is shocked to the core...

Pr: then I opened the book to read and in first page it is written that," ONLY SHE CAN READ THIS"...So I rushed out to find who could read it..but when I opened the door abhi hugged me ,but I felt something different in that hug....then when abhi read the title ,I had a little hope that he is not possessed but when he skipped the first page I understood that he is not my abhi anymore...I said I can't read because I didn't want abhi to get doubt on me..

Confused purab steps back from pragya...

Pr: why are you moving back..

Pu: can read that book

Pr: so..

Pu: only she can read it

Pr: oh god Purab....I am not possessed...

Pu: then how could you read that

Pr: I don't know puru..even I can see it..

Pu: did you see Anne

Pr: I didn't see her....but I saw some Shadow...

Purab sighs...

Pu: now what should we do

Pr: first we should warn others... already he killed Nikhil and that lady....

Pu: why did he kill that lady.....

Pr: maybe to get this book

Pu: god....come ....we will find others soon

Both went to search for others...


Arjit is standing in the kitchen ,at that time he heard bulbul calling him from upstairs...he sighed in relief and walks towards the staircase ,when he was about to step on the stairs, someone closed his mouth from behind and pulled him to the nearby room... Arjit turned and found bulbul ....he panicked but she didn't take her hand from his mouth..

Now they both together heard bulbul's voice ," arjit...where are you?"..

Arjit gulps hearing that...he removes her hand from his mouth and whispers in fear...

Ar: did you hear that...

Bulbul nods...

Both hugs each other in fear...

Ranbir who is searching for Prachi finds her laying unconscious on the floor...

He patted her cheeks and wakes her up..

She slowly opens her eyes and immediately hugs him in fear....

Sensing her shivering,he said ,"we will leave from here soon"...

Slowly he made her to stand and both started to walk...

Ra: something is fishy here

Pr: what

Ra: did you notice onething ,when that lady died, pragya was with us.....

Pr: Haan ranbir...then how could have she killed her..

Ra: I am also thinking the same

Pr: maybe the ghost is somewhere else..

Ra: maybe the ghost is in someone else

Prachi looked him in horror...

She stammers in fear


Ra: did you notice, only abhi could read that book...

Pr: yes and he went to check the fuse box when that lady died...

Ra: and also when pragya said she will kill herself,he ignored her for that book...that book became important to him more than her..

Pr: but when Nikhil is scolding pragya,he turned the other side as he can't see that..

Ra: actually my doubt started from there only

Pr: why

Ra: we all saw pragya's face at that time,it was like she is scared of something... like she knows that Nikhil is going to die...but we didn't see abhi's face...

Pr: that means pragya too knows that abhi is possessed...

Ra: shit.....our friends are thinking that pragya is possessed...

Pr: we should tell them..

Ra: first we should find pragya... because she is having that book...

Saying both rushed to find others..


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