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When i got out of the restroom i was followed out by George. He was using the restroom as well, i didn't notice him till midway. He stops me and asks me a question.

"Do you trust me?" George asked, in a strange way. Of course i trust him, why would he ask this?

"Yeah, you are a greatest friend of mine." i said nervous but confused.

He took my hand and we went back to the car. George and i sat in the back together, i felt weird. Like i had butterflies but bad butterflies? Why did he want me? What's wrong? Did i do something bad? So many questions were going through my mind.

George is still holding on to my hand, i'm confused. I tried to make him let go but his grip is strong. I ignored it and just payed attention to outside. At this point he was crushing my hand but i couldn't say anything, it felt like he was angry at someone or something. I tried to ask him questions but was just shushed.

"Everything alright back there?" Dream said confused and worried about me, i answered normally and said everything was fine. George followed and said that as well.

I lost grip of his hand, he just let go. I grabbed his hand to try and comfort him. I could tell something is up with him. I felt bad, this time i wouldn't let go of his hand. i was holding on to his hand, making sure he doesn't let go. I was still confused but didn't mind anything.

30 minutes before we arrived i got a text,
"Dream is keeping something from you, i'll tell you when we are there"
That text was from George.

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