grilled cheesus 2x03

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after the titans' win, finn threw his arms in the air and yelled to the sky 'THANK YOU GRILLED CHEESUS'

Us Cheerios give each other glares of confusion as Finn stares up at the sky

"Why's he saying grilled tease us. Tease who?" Brittany walks over to Santana and I

"couldn't tell ya babe" Santana shrugs as she looks over at me


Sam charges over to the sidelines where the rest of the Cheerios are standing, watching the players leave the field

"What're you- AH" I try to speak but Sam lifts me up and twirls me around. I take the opportunity to wrap my arms around his neck. A huge smile on both of our faces, showing our perfect teeth

Sam holds me in his arms for a couple seconds "we WON!" He's such a sweet himbo, a strong one, might I add. "I think it's all because of your cheering" my white uniformed sneakers hit the ground as he puts me back down

"I've been told I'm very good at my job" I blush, waving my pom poms close to his face. I lean into his ear and whisper "it's not because of us, our job is to look hot and be bitches, it's actually because of your playing"

"Well, you sure do a good job at the first part of that."

"Good job out there" I daringly mess up his sweaty blonde locks or 'fake blonde' locks as Kurt would say

"Thank you" Sam inhales "I really mean that." He looks down at his cleats "I gotta head inside for the locker room chat and then I gotta get all cleaned up. Would you wanna wait for me and I could give you a lift?"

Before I respond, I look back at Brittany and Santana watching the two of us. "I would love to"

"Oh great-"

"But I can't" I continue "I've got a lot of homework to do and my backpack's in Santana's car. Another time, I promise"

"Now, don't make promises you can't keep missy" Sam looks at me dead straight in the eye "I take pinky promises very, very seriously"

"Good, because I've never broken one in my life." I tilt my head up at the tall blonde boy and we lock pinkies

"I'll see you tomorrow at school"

"See ya" I wave to Sam as he runs towards the high school. He turns back and smiles at me for a second and I twinkle my fingers back to him before he lets out a noticeable sigh with his bright smiling mouth, then turns toward the school again

"Someone's got it bad" Santana walks up to me with her hands in her Cheerio jacket pockets

"Yeah, I know he does" I smirk, still watching the boy disappear into oblivion


In the locker room, Santana starts ridiculing Finn's PDA with Jesus

"So, what do we think 'Grilled Cheesus' means?" She asks me using her fingers as air quotations

"I don't even wanna know what's going on in that mind of his" I say, putting my cheerios gym bag on my shoulder "Dated him once, can never get my brain cells back from those few months"

"How many brain cells do we even have in the first place?" Brittany asks me 

"When a baby is born, Brittany, it has 100 billion" I say, informing her "But when they grow and get older, they lose some but that's out weighted by how many they get as they grow up. You get way more than you lose so it overrides it."

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