Waking Up

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~Na li~

When I woke up, all I remembered was soothing liquids coursing through my veins, and Aang's lips on mine. I thought that would be the last time I ever kissed him. Whatever happened that night, it had killed both of us. We were in the Avatar State, so that meant that the Avatar Cycle was over, because of us. It was all our fault--mainly Aang's, but mine too.

Anyway, I woke up to Aang saying something, then I heard the door open, and all was silent. "Aang?" I asked softly. I saw him leave the room, and that was that.

I sat up slowly. I was sore, especially in my back, and I felt dizzy. When I sat up, it took a second for everything to come into focus. When they did, I panicked.

I was on a Fire Nation ship. Why, I wasn't sure, but my first thought was that we were captured, again. I put my feet on the floor, discovering they were bare, and stood up. There was a mirror next to me, and I turned and looked at myself.

I was about ten pounds skinnier than when I last looked at myself, my hair had grown down to about my waist, and I was wrapped in white bandage strips. There was one wrapped around my bare chest, completely covering my breasts (thank Shrikanya) as well as one around my right knee, left shin, and my lower left arm. I also had a small shoulder pad tied onto my right shoulder. My shirt and underarmor were gone, both replaced by the bandages, but my pants were still intact and present. They were singed at the edges, so it looked like I just walked out of a forest fire.

However, I didn't dwell on this. I grabbed my glider-staff and ran to the door, using my wings for stability since I felt really weak. I ran as fast as I could down the hall, then found a set of stairs. It looked like they led up to the main deck. I climbed up them and nearly fell forward, using my staff to catch myself. When I looked at the people in front of me, it was really bizarre.

Standing in front of me were Jey, Toph, Sokka, and a few other vaguely familiar faces that were definitely not Fire Nation. "What...how...?" I stammered. "What is going on?"

Katara looked up at Jey, who nodded in understanding and came forward, grabbing my arms. Good thing she did, too, or else I would have probably passed out on the spot. I looked at her, then heard a groan I knew all too well. I looked down at where Katara was sitting with Aang's head in her lap, the Avatar just beginning to come around. He must have passed out when he saw everyone. Understandable, considering this was a lot to take in, even for me.

"Aang?" I asked weakly.

"Na li?" he said to me, in an equally weak voice. Now I was sure I was going to pass out. I felt faint come over me and I was out like a light.

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