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Aang awoke to Momo sitting on his chest and licking his cheek. He rolled over so he could sit up, waking Na li in the process since she had apparently been using his arm as a pillow again. She soon followed suit, and both turned their heads to see Katara and Jey running at them.

"You're okay!" Katara said as she wrapped Aang in a hug. Jey did the same with Na li, and everyone else soon joined in the hug, Appa included.

"We have so much to do," Aang said, sharing a look with Na li.

"I know, but you'll have our help," Katara reassured.

"You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation, did you?" Toph said, earning a smirk from both Avatars and snickers from Jey and Sokka.

"What about the invasion?" Aang asked.

"We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force on the day of the eclipse," Sokka explained.

"Hey, what's--" Toph started to say as she brought the remains of a glider out from the water behind her. "Oh. It's one of your gliders."

"Aang, that's yours," Na li said. "Mine snapped in half underwater while it was closed."

Aang took his glider from Toph as all six of them stood up. "That's okay," he said. "If someone saw it, it would give away our identity. It's better for now that no one knows we're alive."

"Never thought I'd hear you say that," Jey commented as Aang jumped up to where the lava was flowing from the violent eruption that had blown apart Roku's Temple during the winter solstice. Aang spun the remains of his glider then drove it into the ground, where it promptly caught fire as Aang jumped away from it.

"I never thought I'd see him do that, ever," Katara said softly as Na li put a reassuring hand on Aang's shoulder. He reached up and grabbed it, smiling slightly at the Airbender girl.

"So uh, we should probably get going," Sokka said.

"Good idea," Aang agreed. "I can't stand this heat on my feet."

"How do you think I feel?" Toph sassed, which got everyone laughing.

The gang all took their places on Appa. Toph used her Earthbending to shoot herself onto Appa's back--which now sported a wooden saddle to replace the one the Sandbenders had stolen--Jey flew up to Appa's back and helped Sokka up with her, and the Avatars immediately jumped to the driver's seat. Katara looked over at them as she climbed up Appa's side.

"Guys," she said, "are you sure you should be driving?"

Aang groaned. "Katara, how many times must I say it? We're fine, quit hanging over us like an old dead turtleduck!"

"Well I agree with the old dead turtleduck," Jey said.

"Thank you," Katara said to her. "Wait, what?" Her head snapped over to Jey, who just sat back with her arms crossed, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"So do I," Sokka said. "I don't like yo guys driving either, in your conditions. You're both still hurt, and from what the girls told me, Na li's expecting a dragon baby, so--"

"Alright!" Aang snapped, cutting him off. "Fine, we won't drive." He jumped in the back followed by Na li, and Sokka took their place on Appa's head. As they took off, Aang mumbled various curses in Dragnestae, which of course made Na li laugh. She accidentally blew fire at Aang when she snorted, and the entire group laughed as Appa flew off into the Fire Nation.

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