Chapter One : Best of Friends

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It was the start of summer, and you were excited to be attending Malfoy Manor for dinner.

Well, really you were just excited about seeing your best friend, Draco Malfoy. You had grown up together and had been inseparable since birth. Your parents were just as close as you, and had been since they all started their journey at Hogwarts.

"y/n! hurry up and get dressed darling, we're about to leave for Malfoy Manor!" Cordelia yelled.

Cordelia was y/n's mother, she was a beautiful woman. She was fairly short and had locks of blonde hair that lay at the sides of her face. She had a smile that could comfort you in the most difficult of times, and gave hugs that could heal your pain in seconds; she was brilliant.

Y/n's father, Frederick however, was a tall man with soft brown hair, his face was fairly intimidating, but he had a sparkle in his eyes that reassured the fact he was a kind and gentle man. The love they both had for their daughter was unconditional, they loved their little family, they even counted Ash as apart of it.

Ash always looked after you, she was your house elf. She used to let you dress her up when you were bored, she would play childish games with you, she would pick out the perfect outfits for you, and she loved you as much as you loved her.

"Coming mummy!" You shouted as you ran down the stairs, you were taking the floo network to get there.

You've only used floo powder a few times, the idea of the green flames covering your body scared you, so you always went first. You pulled Ash into a bone crushing hug and waved at her before leaving.

As soon as you arrived at the manor, Draco was waiting impatiently for you to arrive. Just like you, he was an only child, so he was always excited to hear that his best friend was coming over to play. Of course he had Dobby to play with, but sometimes he was too busy to do so.

"Y/n!" The young blonde shouted excitedly, you hadn't seen Draco in two weeks, and for you, that was a long time. "What took you so long, I've been sitting here all day, bored, and Dobby has been too busy preparing dinner to play"

You pulled him into a tight squeeze, explaining how your mother took over an hour to get ready and you wish you could have came earlier. She just giggled and her head turned towards the doorway at the opposite end of the sitting room, it was Narcissa and Lucius.

You ran to them as fast as your legs could carry you, right into their open arms.

"y/n sweetheart! We've missed you so much!" Narcissa stated in a sweet voice.

"Yes where have you been all this time! We've missed yours and Draco's little pranks you like to pull" Lucius laughed.

"It's only been two weeks guys" you giggled. "And that's okay, me and Draco have something planned"

The couple laughed, "as long as Dobby doesn't have to spend hours cleaning green paint off the floorboards again, we can't wait to find out what brilliant plan you've both come up with" Lucius smiled. "Now you two go and play, dinner will be ready in half an hour"

Draco grabbed your arm, it was hot outside so you went into the garden. Draco grabbed the two brooms you always play on, you both were quite passionate about quidditch, and you've known how to fly since you were 5. Both of your parents were always worried you would get hurt, but you and Draco made sure to stay close to the ground so if you fell, there would be no serious injuries, well, that's until you were out of your parents sight.

"Oh y/n I forgot to tell you, my friend Blaise will be coming for dinner too, he should be here soon, you'll be great friends"
You smiled in excitement.

"Great, he needs to help us with this prank if we're going to pull it off, the more of us the better" you said as you both burst into laughter thinking about the way your fathers were going to react.

You hopped on the broom, realising your parents were no longer in the sitting room, you flew into the air, Draco behind you. You played 'It', you were very good at that game, but not so much on a broom. Draco always sped off and you could never catch him.

"Draco no fair, you said you would go easy on me" you whined.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'll slow down" he said with a smirk on his face as you approached him.
He didn't seem to notice you were moving towards him during your small conversation, when you got him and sped off. You gave a little laugh and flipped your hair. "Ha, got ya"

His smirk turned evil as he came straight at you, you screamed and sped off laughing when Narcissa called you.

"Y/n! Draco! Blaise is here!"
You sped off to the ground and hopped off the broom. Draco tried to tag you but you reminded him that it didn't count unless you were in the air, he rolled his eyes at you as you laughed.

"Hi y/n! I'm Blaise Zabini, Draco has told me a lot about you" he said politely.

"It's great to meet you Blaise! Your going to have to help us, we have something planned for our fathers" you said mischievously.

"I would love to help" he let out a small laugh.

You all followed Narcissa into the dining hall, where your parents were sitting all together.

"What were they up to?" Cordelia asked.
"Playing 'it' on the broomsticks" Narcissa said sweetly.
"They weren't too high up were they?" Narcissa gave me a small smile, knowing we were higher than the manor itself.
"No, only a few feet" she giggled, it sounded believable I guess, Draco and I gave each other a smirk as Narcissa gave a small giggle. Blaise looked confused, but he then caught on.

After we had finished eating, Draco, Blaise and I still had one thing we needed to do, the ultimate prank on Lucius and Frederick. We ran upstairs and grabbed the purple paint bombs in Draco's bedroom drawer that you got him for his birthday. You hung them from the top of the door frame, making it so if the door was opened they would fall on top of whoever opened it.

"Fred, dad!" Draco yelled at the top of his lungs, "come upstairs we need you in my room"

We heard the floorboards creek, and all hid under the bed, they both opened the door and the two paint bombs fell right into the centre of each of their heads.

They looked at each other and thought it was hilarious, me and the boys let out a breath we didn't even know we were holding in, and began laughing as they pulled us out from under the bed to hug us, making sure we all got covered in the purple goo as well.

"That was awesome!" Blaise said, tears pouring out of his eyes as he laughed too hard. We all joined in with him, his laugh only making us laugh harder.

After everyone got cleaned up, and we used our magic to get rid of the remaining paint, it was time to leave. You hugged Draco and Blaise tight before you stepped into the fireplace, you knew then, that all of your would be best friends for a long time.


a/n ~ I'm sorry, I know this chapter wasn't very good, I'm hoping my writing gets better as I go along, I'm also hoping to get another chapter out tonight! By the next few chapters they will be off to Hogwarts so keep an eye on your notifications to see what happens next!

I'm so excited to get further in to this book, I have so much planned, and don't worry, I'm not giving up, I'll finish the book, even if it takes years 😌

Thankyou so much for reading!!!

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