Chapter Seventeen: The Writing On The Walls

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It was the end of dinner after the longest Friday I've ever experienced, it was a dreadfully long day.

I was walking back to the common room with Blaise, Draco and Theo and the corridors were packed with students, all of a sudden everyone came to a holt.

There was writing on the walls, it read...

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened... enemies the heir... beware.

What's that supposed to mean?

It looked like it was written in blood. Next to the writing was Mrs. Norris, filches cat, she was.. dead?

The thing that worried me the most was the fact that Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing in between the crowds on either side of the corridor. There were gasps and murmurs coming from every direction.

"Enemies of the heir beware!' You'll be next..." Draco began.

"Don't. You. Dare, Malfoy" I snarled, I knew exactly what word would have come out of his mouth next. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me"



"What's going on 'ere? Go on, make way, make way. Potter-- What are you...Mrs. Norris? You've...murdered my cat" Filch's voice echoed through the crowded corridors.

"No. No" Harry began.

"I'll kill ya... I'll kill ya!"

"Argus! Argus, I... Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately. Everyone except... you three" Dumbledore gestures towards the trio.

Instead of going back to the common room, I hid around the corner, waiting for Harry, Ron and Mione.

It was hard to hear the conversation amongst the lot but I swear I could hear uncle sev defending them.

Never mind, he soon switched back to his old self, probably realised he was being too nice to a bunch of Gryffindors. It also turns out Mrs. Norris wasn't dead, she had been petrified.

Soon the conversation had ended and I caught the three to ask them what had actually happened.

"Hey, are you all okay?"

"I think so" Hermione said, "Me and Ron are fine, I'm not too sure about Harry"

"Hey, who said I'm fine. I'm traumatised, actually. Merlin knows whose blood that is on the wall" Ron complained.

"Ahh, still a drama queen I see Ron" I laughed.

"Not as big a drama queen than Malfoy"

"Your not lying" I laughed.

We were walking through the corridors and the three were catching me up on everything I had missed out on the past few weeks. They told me about the whole flying car story and nearly being expelled and about some cake incident at Harry's aunts and uncles. They also told me about Harry hearing voices, I swore not to say a word as even in the wizarding world, hearing voices is never a good sign.

Harry told me all about Dobby and how he tried to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts this year.

"Dobby?" I questioned.

"You know Dobby?" Harry asked surprised.

"Of course I know Dobby, he serves the Malfoy's, I've only grown up with him"

"That's who he serves! But why was he trying to prevent me from coming back here?"

"I'm not sure, I'll have to speak to Draco about it, when he decides to apologise for being an absolute twat of course"

"About that y/n/n, we all know what Malfoy was going to say earlier, but you stopped him. Thank you" Mione smiled.

"No need to thank me, he needs to learn that no matter what blood status, we're all the same. It's not all his fault though, that, you need to understand. He doesn't always mean what he says"

"What do you mean by 'it's not all his fault' y/n/n" harry asked.

"Well Lucius Malfoy, as lovely as he is, has always been quite strict when it comes to anything other than pure- blood wizards and witches, so naturally, Draco is the same, he hates disappointing Lucius"

I should not have said that.

I mentally just slapped myself round the head.

"Well I guess we can't put the full blame on him, the way you talk about him, he doesn't seem that bad" Harry shrugged, "if he wasn't such an ass to Ron the first time we met, we might all be friends"

"Please swear you won't tell a soul what I just told you" I begged.

"We swear" they all laughed in unison.

Harry asked me to get his mail from Dobby as he had been keeping it from him. I was wondering why he never wrote back, he obviously didn't get his birthday present from me either.

Being the seeker of the Gryffindor team I got him a golden snitch pin sort of thing.

It was getting quite late and after a long walk with the three Gryffindors I decided to head back to the Slytherin Common Room. As I entered it was almost empty, only there was someone sitting on the sofa next to the fire, their back to me. I could tell from the bright blonde hair who it was immediately.

"Hey" he said nervously, "can we talk?"

"Mhm" I replied bluntly.

"I'm sorry about being such an ass earlier, I know they're your friends and I should never have gone to call Granger a mudblood, it was wrong of me, I hope you can forgive me".

"Draco, I understand that you four may never get along and I'm not expecting you to be nice to them for my sake. But what I will ask is for you not to use such words. If you had ever spoken to Hermione you would realise she's a lot more than just a muggle born, she's smart, kind and funny too".

"I know, I'm sorry and I won't use it again, I promise" he smiled, "but you have to promise me something in return".

"What's that?" I laughed.

"Please never call me 'Malfoy' again, I hate it".

"Okay, I promise" I laughed.

We sat for a while talking about absolutely nothing and planned our weekends. I promised Mione to meet her and the boys for an hour in the morning as she wanted to talk about the chamber of secrets, hopefully she would be able to explain what exactly it was, I didn't really understand it. Draco of course was quite annoyed as he and the boys swore they wouldn't let me spend more time with the trio than them. I swore to spend the rest of the weekend with him if he stopped being so moody and against me seeing the three. We planned for the two of us to get Blaise, Theo, Pansy and Daphne and spend the rest of Saturday bullying first years and just messing around. He promised my mum to keep me out of trouble, that plan seems to be failing miserably but hey, I'm not complaining. Getting into troubles always fun. Not being the youngest in the school is always good too, gives us people to wind up.

After a while i was fighting to keep my eyes open, I decided to say my good nights and head to bed.

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