Chapter Seven: Hermione and The Troll

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The days went on and I refused to bring up what happened after the Quidditch match, it just seemed to put Draco in a foul mood. I had charms, and sat with Hermione and Ron. I was glad to be honest, Hermione was a smart girl, she had brown frizzy hair, and she was very pretty. She was a muggle born, but it didn't bother me.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers? (Everyone nods) Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone. The swish and flick. Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then" Professor Filtwick said.

I couldn't help but laugh at Draco, he was sitting across the classroom, you could tell he was trying really hard to get the feather to levitate, but it just wouldn't.

I heard Hermione having ago at Ron, she did that often, I thought it was quite funny if I'm honest, she was like a mother to Harry and Ron, it was almost her job to make sure they weren't getting into trouble and to make sure they were doing everything right.

I gave the spell a try.

Swish and flick.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I continued, and my feather began to float.

"See Ron, y/n can do it" Hermione laughed.

"If your so good, then you do it Hermione" he said, he was annoyed.

"Okay I will, Wingardium Leviosa" she said moving her wand, and her feather began to float too, "see, not that hard"

After class I was walking with Draco and Blaise through the courtyard, Hermione was making her way towards Harry and Ron, but Ron was being a complete arse.

"Its leviosa not leviosarr, honestly she's a nightmare, no wonder she hasn't got any friends" he said, but what he didn't know is she was standing right behind him, and heard everything, she stormed off.

"I'll be back in a minute boys" I said before running to catch up with them.

"What's wrong with you Weasley, your such an idiot honestly, she was only trying to help you" I said before rolling my eyes and speeding off to find Hermione.

I caught up with her. I stopped in front of her so she couldn't walk any where.

"What is it y/n, I'm not in the mood"

"Hermione, I heard what Ron said, he's a complete and utter idiot, he's just jealous because he's not as brilliant at magic as you are, your gifted and he's not. And as for him saying you have no friends, you do, you have me. Harry also looked pretty angry after Ron said what he did"

"Thank you y/n, it means a lot, I'm gonna go to the bathroom then head for dinner, I'll see you soon, and thank you for checking up on me" she smiled sweetly with tear stains on her cheeks as she walked off to the girls lavatory.

I headed to dinner and sat next to Draco.

"Where did you run off to?" He asked curiously.

"Weasley was being an idiot and upset Hermione, I had to see if she was okay" I said.

"Your hearts too kind to be a Slytherin you know" Blaise said with a smirk on his face. He knew it would wind me up.

"Volunteering again are we B? Like I said after the quidditch game, I've always wanted to hex someone" I smirked back.

"Okay okay your definitely meant to be a Slytherin" he laughed.

We were just talking about classes and our teachers when professor quirrel burst through the doors of the great hall shouting.

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