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The blonde really came to collect Jimin and wanted to "hang with the boys" but Taehyung excused himself, making it clear that he would rather hang himself than hang with her. Then he headed towards his penthouse.

The room was dark when Taehyung entered it but the light in the washroom was on. He saw her sitting there in the doorway holding her tummy and groaning in pain. He rushed to her and cupped her face.

"What happened hun?" he asked

"I-i have cramps" she murmured as her face contorted in pain.

"Oh. Let me help you to bed" he said as he picked her up and carried her bridal style to the bed.

"I didn't bring pain killers... it hurts..." she said in a weak voice.

"It's okay. I got you" he kissed her forehead and lowered her down to the bed as if she was a delicate ice sculpture that could shatter if handled roughly.

"Do you have a prescription?" He asked.

"No, ugh... I take OTC painkillers"

He arched an eyebrow.

"This won't do. I'll have to call a doctor"

"Tae I'll fuckin die before your doctor gets here get me the fuckin pills!"

"Fine, I'll just ask them on phone"

"I'm dying!"

He called the physician anyway and asked for a safe pain killer during menstruation. Luckily he had those in his medical supply drawers so brought them to her. He helped her sit up and take the pill.

"I'm sorry.. I had so many plans... it sucks..." she whimpered.

"Oh baby" he smiled and hugged her so close to him, then he tucked her in again.

"It's going to take a while before I can.. ugh it hurts..." she groaned and rolled around in the bed. Taehyung got in with her and spooned her little body with his, trying to comfort her as he brushed her hair with his fingers.

"Y-you're the only person I let touch my hair" she muttered as she calmed down a bit.

"I'm so lucky" he smiled as he kissed the top of her head. She curled up even more as an extremely painful wave hit her and so he protectively held her lower belly, putting his big warm hand there, rubbing ever so gently with his thumb.

"Th-that makes it so much better..." she murmured.

"Hmm" he caressed her thigh with the other hand and she felt so many beautiful things for him, she felt so overwhelmed, she felt like the luckiest person in the universe.

"C-can you sing me a song like you did when I was in the hospital?"

Taehyung thought back on the accident that had changed his life all together. When she almost met death right in front of his eyes and he wasn't able to do anything...the message had gone right down to his subconscious and he was bound to make a lot of decisions influenced by that pain and fear.

"I've a bad voice" he smiled sadly against her hair, kissing her head softly.


"Okay" he gently brushed the hair at her temple with his fingers, smiling down at her

She looks like a blue parrot

Wish you could fly to me...

I want some good day...

Looks like a winter bear,

You sleep so happily...

And he hummed so beautifully his voice went straight to her heart, washing away her pain. She felt so happy, content and loved.

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