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The hunters tottered their way through the forest, breathing heavily, however they froze whenever Thalia held up her hand, "It's the monster horde, Artemis warned me about" She whispered to her sisters, "There's only ten of them though, we can take them easily, okay, everyone ready, on my mark" Thalia held up three fingers, then two, then one and pointed and the monster horde, and with that the hunters charged.

They may had underestimated the monsters, however the hunters outnumbered the monsters so they were just about winning. Thalia however was having some difficulties, she was fighting the leader of the group, The leader chuckled, "Thalia Grace, they told me you looked different, but I didn't think they meant like this" "Shut up!" Thalia yelled, thunder roaring above them, "Ah ah ah, none of that now, I still want to have a little fun" and with that final word, Thalia Grace, Lieutenant of Artemis, disappeared.

When Thalia awoke, she found herself strapped inside of a strange mechanism, "Oh good, my little piggy's awake" The leader of the monsters exclaimed, sarcasm dripping from his voice, "Leth me out of dis fing" Thalia said, before realising that part of the strange mechanism was forcing her mouth open. "Yes, you seem to have noticed the mouth mover, it's to help you chew".

Thalia took a moment to take in her surroundings, she was in a dark damp room, which Thalia guessed was underground, the leader of the monsters was standing behind a control board through a glass pane and finally the giant machine Thalia was strapped into, Thalia had no idea what it did, but at the end she saw something, were those donuts?

As soon as she thought of donuts her stomach roared, "Oh, sounds like someone's hungry!" Said the leader with enthusiasm, he pressed a button on his control board and the machine whirred to life, and sticks upon sticks of donuts made their way towards her in a single file line, then, the machine holding her mouth started moving in a chewing formation, Thalia gasped as donuts started filling her mouth, forcing her to chew, Thalia tried shaking her arms and legs to try and get free, but to no avail, tears filled her eyes as more donuts forced their way into her mouth, this was her life now, she was in Zeus knows where, with no chance of escape and soon she'd be to large to even fathom walking, why didn't the monster just kill her, why make her suffer this fate?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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