First Hunt

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The streets were silent as he took another step towards the sent. Edmund hadn't told him how to find it, or even what to look for, but this seemed right so he followed. After several more minutes, he found where it was coming from, the unmistakable stench of death that made his mind alight in the strangest of ways. Covering his nose he quietly forced the door open and stepped in. The room was clean, though every inch of it reeked with the smell of death and decay, he searched further his prey nearby. The man was lying in the bed, his slow labored breathing and hacking cough told the demon all he needed to know. The man was dying. William stepped forwards, he could do it now, kill the man, and take his soul. But the man stirred looking at him confused before he gave way to a new round of coughing. William moved closer, now at his bedside. "You shouldn't be here" the man rasped breathlessly " you'll-" he coughed ending his sentence. William shook his head silently, no human illness could harm him. "You're dying." The demon said, meeting the man's eyes as he nodded. "Do you have a family?" The man shook his head softly, "no..not anymore. My- my daughter..she just passed." William was silent for a moment, "I..could show you her. But I need something from you." The man looks at him hopefully "Anything to see her again." William smiled softly taking the man's cold hand in his. It had been so long since he had last done this but it still worked. The man's eyes glazed over a smile on his aged face and then he was gone. William leaned forwards and claimed the willing soul.

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