Faking it.

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There's so much drama too much for me to handle. I'm miserable living this life faking a smile trying to be happy is the hardest thing you can do when you know the whole world hates you. Fake friendships , fake emotions , fake relationships there is nothing in this world that is real I knew this was all a test. A test to see if I'll snap or not but I swear I'm at the that last point to snapping. I don't like showing my emotion people make fun of me call me rude names based on my background. I take it in but it's killing me inside I would love to cry and let it all out but then again they won't hear me out. I'm a terrorist people call me I don't think it's right they tell me I am and I'm dying inside. They think it's ok to make someone be afraid of being themselves to make someone feel they're being judged. I'm hurting inside from all the judgmental lies it's not true I promise you can see it in my eyes. I learned to live with these rude comments everyday of my life why is it me they always have to judge ? I'm strong I try to brush it off but when everything I do is Being watched.

All by myself.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang