Never ends.

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You thought this was the end but it isn't. You thought I was crazy their just joking right? Well not right something's I take as a joke but others are said too often I believe it myself. You're wondering what is said so often? Well I'm going to tell you. Stupid , stupid is the word, the word people call me everyday it's been going on since grade 5 and one word ruined my life wanna know why? The first time I got called stupid was the beginning of grade 5 2012 it was a boy in my grade and I didn't know what a word meant and I asked him and he laughed with the word stupid right after this went for a month when all he had to say was that I am stupid. You think it's a joke but not when you start to believe it and after I awhile I started to believe that I was stupid. You think I wouldn't remember the day I believed I was stupid well you're wrong I do. November 20th 2012 I believed I was stupid and ever since then a straight A student dropped to a failure because I thought I was stupid. Ever since my grades have been bad I have been trying to forget the word but then there is always someone to call me it again and shatter the hopes of forgetting. The day another boy called me stupid was this year about a week ago in history class everyone told me to chill. It wasn't easy because they didn't know why the word hurt me so badly. They think I was just born stupid cause my grades are low but they didn't know because I don't like opening up. I feel that I can never succeed there is always someone calling me stupid and do you know how much that lowers my self esteem I don't think you understand but it's ok no one will I guess I'm just stupid right!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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