2.hiya honey

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Azrael pov

Thor walked into the lounge room with a brooding, raven black haired, super attractive god of mischief behind him.

I mean damn.

"Avengers it is a pleasure to be back" thor boomed out "yeah yeah thor we missed you to" stark said giving the god a hug.

Oh this will be fun.

"Stark who are you talking to" I asked confused "here we go" clint sighed       " hey didnt thor say he would be back today, does anyone know when" I said "no I think tonight maybe" nat sniggered "lady azrael, please I beg you to stop" thor begged.

I jumped up pretending to be scared   "THOR where did you come from..I mean do you want to give me a heart attack" I putt a hand to my forehead and pretended to faint on the couch next to nat.

"Oh ha ha veery funny azrael" he grumbled.

"Az why are you so.. ...OH SHIT" your brother walked into the room dropping his tea when he noticed loki.

"Okay okay enough swearing and games everyone this is loki.....as you already know"

Loki pov

"Hiya honey im azrael but you can call me az or azzy or death or... actually thats it" the purple haired girl stood up and stuck out her hand towards me.

What was I supposed to do.

"No.... okay" she shrugged "ill introduce you to the rest then" she pointed a Natalie "she's a bad ass"

she pionted at stark "he's drunk"

then to clint "he's my best male friend"

then wanda "she's got a crush on my brother"

to dr strange " he is my brother"

to america "he's a mom"

and lastly spiderman "and he hasnt gone threw puberty but you can call him princess spidey boi"

I think I like this girl.

Boom that chapter is done also I forgot to mention that your invincible.....soooo yeah.
P.s. just wanted to shout out to Anu2006sar for being the first to vote.😘

hiya honey (loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now