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Katherine's POV

Hi. My name is Katherine. I am 12 years old and in 7th grade. I live with my mom, stepdad, three sisters, Arianna, 5, and Chelsey, almost 2, Marissa, 6, my Papa and Mama, and my aunt Megan. My sister Arianna has long, brown, curly hair and brown eyes. She is really hyper, loud, mean to me, and doesn't like to try things. She is really skinny and I am soooo jealous. My sister Chelsey has short, brown, curly hair and has brown eyes. She loves my mom and is very smart. My step sister's named Marissa. She has blond hair and blue eyes; she is on the chubby side, too. My mom looks like me, except she has brown eyes and darker brown hair than me. Everyone says I look and sound exactly like her and I am ok with it because I look up to her since I don't have my dad. My dad lives in California with his wife Pattie and his step daughter, Julia. I don't see him much but he still sends me presents for holidays and my birthday. Anyways, I go to Weston Middle School and I am on the blue team. I have fairly good grades and enough friends. I love to read, write on Wattpad and sing. You would think I am normal right? Wrong! I am 5'8 and 200 pounds. I am overweight and I HATE it! I have brown curly hair and blue eyes that people say are gorgeous but I consider them normal. I have stretch marks everywhere and already had my period for almost 2 years now. I haven't been able to wear a bikini since I was 5 years old, so sad! I have a loud voice and when I say I have enough friends, I mean I have 3 close friends. Kylie, Kristen and Anna, they are my only close friends that I go and hang out with and share my deepest secrets.

Kylie Morgan has brown hair, hazel eyes and is about 5'5. She has been my friend since we were in kindergarten and has been my best friend since 6th grade when she started to drift away, and still is. I hope our friendship won't end soon because it would be so hard to gain another life-long friend. Then there's Kristen Polk. She is a loud and obnoxious blond with green eyes. She sings and is quite good at it. We had dance class together when we were younger and in sixth grade when the two sides of town combined, we became close friends. She is very girly and loves to dress-up. My last very close friend is Anna Polk. She is a very skinny blond with green eyes. She is pretty normal besides the fact that she is obsessed with 1D and 5sos. She says she's dedicated and overly loving; we say she's obsessed. I have other friends but those are the people that are most important in my life and are a big part of the next chapter of my life.

I am not very popular as you know and I would love to be beautiful in the eyes of the boys and girls of my grade. I feel like I am so unpopular since I haven't had a boyfriend since 2nd grade. Sad, I know. I like a few boys in my grade like Zach and Cody. I used to have Cody at the top of my "crush list" but for the past few days my new big crush is Colby. He is so cute and hot at the same time. I realized I really liked him when he took my drink and drank it right out of the bottle without washing the top. Then, the next day he did it again. I sit next to him in math and have really enjoyed sitting with Rachel and Will too. They are all popular in one way or another, unlike me who is...... just....... Me. Normal Katherine.

Hey guys that is just the first real update. You just got to meet Katherine. I will update the next chapter once I get two votes OR a comment on this chapter. So please comment, vote and share this with your friends. Stalk me on social media and send me a message on kik saying you saw my story. I will respond. That's about it so I'm gonna go!


Twitter: @Ritzy62501

Instagram: @Ritzy62501

Kik: @Ritzy62501

My Dream Life (Based off of &quot;Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck)Where stories live. Discover now