Chapter 2

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I suddenly woke up in my bed. I was so confused. It felt like it was real, and I could feel the emotion. I thought I could feel the wood under my knees and the anticipation of them finding me. Forgetting that crazy thought I whipped a hand down my face before rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I looked around the room and looked at the clock. It read 4:00 in the morning. I wasn't tired anymore so I might as well get up and get ready. I lifted the blanket up and jumped out of bed. My eyes were still a little hazy from sleeping but I wasn't tired. I walked across the carpeted floor and opened my bathroom door. I turned on the light that was next to the door. I was blinded by the sudden light that reached my eyes. I closed the door and stripped myself of my...... baggy clothes? I just realized that my clothes were hanging off me and last night they were perfect. I looked at the body mirror behind the door and was amazed at what I saw. There was a girl she was....... Gorgeous and she wasn't me. She had small feet with very well kept toe nails. Her legs were nicely tanned and were hairless and smooth. As I moved up I saw that her waist and sides weren't fat and she had a very nice curve. My boobs weren't as big as before and they fit my body. No stretch marks! I was so happy about that. I looked even farther up and realized I had a normal sized heart shaped face. Her lips were plump and pink that was now curved into a smile. I looked at my teeth and saw that they were perfectly white and straight. No gaps anymore! I looked at my nose and saw that it was small and perfect sized. No wide nose! Then I looked at my eyes and saw that one was cobalt blue and one was gold. Light brown hair cascaded down my back and reached my butt. I looked at my full appearance and saw that I now was only about 5'3. I wasn't the Jolly Green Giant anymore!

I hopped in the shower with a giant smile on my face. But as I got to thinking I wondered if this was a temporary thing or a permanent thing. I also wondered what people were going to think and say about this? They will be suspicious because I just saw them yesterday and I was perfectly normal and now I was very different. What if this change doesn't work and nobody likes me? I hope that isn't the case.

I turned off the water and drew the curtain back as I stepped out. The towel was on the towel rack so I dried my body off then wrapped the towel around my head. I grabbed my bathrobe from the back of the door and slipped it on as I tied the front. As I opened the door I was greeted with an unusual sight. Ren and Kishan sitting on my bed!? I tilted my head slightly then started to open my mouth to speak.

"What are you doing here? In my room?" Kishan stood up and walked toward me. "Um just to let you know all I have is a bath robe on." I warned.

He stopped and turned around to turn on my bedside light. "Katherine..... I don't know what to say.... Did you have a dream last night?" I nodded. "Were we in it?" I nodded again. "Were we playing hide and go seek?" I nodded yet again. "So you know we are your brothers?"

This time I spoke "Yes I do and after I get dressed in, I don't know what, and then I am going to give you both a giant hug because I love you guys!" I yelled quietly.

They both chuckled. "Well I don't think you had this part of the dream but after we found you we were before Durga. She told us that you were, indeed, our sister and that the reason that no one remembered her was because she had wiped ours and your memory of you existing. No one remembered you and you disappeared for hundreds of years until you were reborn. Now that we have found you are changing back to your original form from before. Also, the dream wasn't a dream. It was a memory, of many, that we are slowly regaining." Ren said also standing up. "Now that we have found you we also know your early life here and pretty much everything. The reason Durga chose now to introduce us again is because she felt like you were feeling down. The only reason she took you away in the first place is because she could sense danger in the future and she didn't want you to be a part of it and get hurt."

My Dream Life (Based off of "Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck)Where stories live. Discover now