Puppet x Circus Baby

48 2 1

I- I personally see this ship too much.
I've grown out of it and ship them with others <3
I'm sorry for those who like this ship but this is just my opinion.
But it's still nice, I'll give you that.

I rate this: 2/10

Edit: Once again been 3 months since I wrote this and I got more reasons to not ship it.
1. Usually it has to do with Elizabeth and Charlie and who the hell would date their killers child?
2. Even if you ship the animatronics, would you date a animatronic made to kill? Because Puppet was reprogrammed to protect Charlie and not kill but CB was definitely programmed by William to kill.
Once again I'm sorry if you like this ship but I don't like it that much. Plus in my AU it wouldn't make sense heck it barely makes sense in canon lore since they don't meet till Pizzaria Simulator as Left and Scarpbaby.

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